The Black and White Room

Make your own contribution to this room!

Do you have a picture of you and your friend, lover, brother-in-law, neighbor, co-worker, teacher, parent, and is one white, the other black?
Do you have any other interesting, exciting, or simply beautiful "black and white"-picture?
I would love to add it to the collection that you have just been visiting and appreciate if you send it.
Please include a suggested title and caption; it will make the viewers of the picture understand it better and appreciate it more. If you wish, I will gladly mention your e-mail address and the address of your web-site, if any.

[Click here] if you want to proceed to sending a picture now, or add this page to your bookmarks if you want to send me a picture at a later date.

Notes: my e-mail server will not accept files exceeding 200 KB.
For best viewing on a 15" screen, limit the height of the photo to 250 pixels.
Pictures can be either in color or black-and-white. I may edit the colors to improve contrast and range.
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