New objects added
By Bille [13/January/02]

Do you need some upgrades for your humble home in Pink Village? Last week many new objects were added for building in AW.

What is a home without furniture? What is a garden without a fence? Now it's time to upgrade your home with a large collection of new objects. Among the objects you will find several sofas and tables, a lot of stuff for your bathroom and kitchen, carpets, lamps, wallpaper, speakers, new streetobjects, and some great fences/walls.

When checking them out I had some problems making them all to work in AW; it might have been a temporary server error, or some of the objects' names are misspelled on AWCI's web page, but let's give it a chance and that will most certainly be sorted out. In the tiny Builder's Supply Shop (Trans Road of Pink Village) you will find some of the new additions on display, and the total release can be seen on the web.

At Pink Village GZ you will find that the old table.rwx benches have been replaced with new objects. More adjustments will be done before our upcoming 5th anniversary:)

Check out the new object set here:

Pink Point