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Zami was an informal discussion and social group for black lesbians, bisexuals and womyn exploring their sexuality who are in their 20s. Currently, we no longer formally meet,we only provide information for black women who want to know what is happening in DC and around the country.

Contact Information

Zami provides useful information to black women exploring
their sexuality as to events and meetings of black lesbians
and bisexuals.
For more info. about Zami or if you have a website you want listed
or you know of an interesting function or event we may want
to announce, Contact

For more info. contact the


More About Zami

Zami was formed in the fall of 1995 by a small group of black womyn
in their 20s who identified as lesbian, bisexual, or womyn who were
exploring their sexual orientation. The group met formally once a month
to hold open discussions and serve as a support network.
The group decided to change its focus by simply becoming
an informational organization that helps provide black women
information about activities and events in DC and various other

The term "Zami" was chosen to describe the group in memory of
Audre Lorde, a black lesbian who died of cancer. One of her books
is entitled "Zami: A New Spelling of My Name." The book reflected the
importance of self-identification and, therefore, our group believed the
name to be representative of our group's direction.

If you are in the Washington, DC area, or plan to visit,
please Click Here
to email Zami and get information about what is happening
for black women.

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This page was last updated on 12/29/99.

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