Expectations of Group Members 

1. Engendered Species exists to help crossdressers to accept their crossdressing and realize their dreams and potential within the crossdresssing realm. There is nothing wrong with crossdressing. In itself, it is legal, except in rare instances (such as using the restroom/dressing-room of the opposite sex), and is but a mere human variation. It also has a wide and varied historical context. It is more common than is generally realized, with 1 in 20 people partaking in some form of crossdressing.

2. We recognize the pressure and stigma inflicted on us by our culture and people we interact with in work and society, and in response to this, we maintain the secrecy of those who cannot be 'out' (open) about their crossdressing (for whatever reason).

3. While we (for tactical reasons) maintain secrecy for the convenience of those so inclined, we believe that it is a desirable and healthy state of existence to be (at least to some extent) open ('out') about our crossdressing. We provide education and support to allow this to happen (by individual choice), but never coercion. We believe that those who can 'come out' with respect to crossdressing make a powerful political statement, and make life easier for those who (for whatever reason) cannot.

4. As crossdressers, we tend to have many unfulfilled dreams, due to the unjustified social stigma of the culture in which we live. Engendered Species exists to help our dreams come true, and to that end, puts on (using reasonable caution) a variety of fun and affirming crossdressing activities.

5. We believe there is a great need to help couples where one is a crossdresser, and place a high priority in helping such couples stay together. Too often the crossdressing (for no rational reason) becomes the source of relationships breaking up. With proper understanding of the situation, crossdressing can even be a benefit to such relationships. We do all that we can to support both members of such relationships, and respect the sanctity of their relationship.

6. We are a social organization, and the activities we sponsor are social activities. We are not a dating club, and don't allow inappropriate or offensive behavior of a sexual nature at our meetings or activities. We also respect the privacy of individuals in their own lives.

7. For reasons of potential legal liability, our groups functions are non-drinking (non-alchoholic) events. We abide by the Utah Clean Indoor Air restrictions, but try to make allowances for smokers wherever possible (without compromising the rights of non-smokers). The use of controlled substances is prohibited at all of our events.

8. Since crossdressing is an activity often constrained by certain social dictates, members should respect the needs of others, and avoid behavior that is intimidating or condescending. Members should be encouraged to grow into their own interpretation of their whole being, without fear of exposure (past or present), or coercion. Let's not perpetuate existing problems with society.

9. Members are asked to refer other people (who have a legitimate interest in attending events of our group) to the leadership for evaluation as either visitors or members. This will both maintain security, and promote growth. The evaluation process provides assurance that those attending are also 'one of us'.

10. All recordings or photography must only be done where both the knowledge and consent of the people involved is obtained. All information gathering relating to news stories or related transmissions outside the group must be cleared with the leadership, who stand ready to assist where warranted, using the guidelines set forth in this paper.

11. Rather than focus on the things that might divide us, we bring out and enhance the things we have in common with other groups dealing with gender related differences. We recognize that the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender community provides many activities and resources which are supportive and accepting of us. We appreciate and use this support and acceptance, giving our support in return wherever possible in the global cause of removing the unreasonable cultural stigma and restraints against differences such as ours.

12. By your attendance, you agree to follow these standards, and agree to uphold the expectation of privacy in our events. The only exception to the privacy guidelines is when express permission is given by the member(s) affected.