Poem 1

I never thought a name would ring so true.
Nor catch the sun's rays with more warmth
Hold the moment just before
falling out of control to the depths of the sea
the final light before darkness.

Then, the twinkling and winking
of the pinpoint hopes
which wait for the moment warmth
and light will win them over and
vanquish them for what seems eternity

The lumbering giant appears,
soft and gentle, warm and caring.
Tender and soft, giving and yet vibrant
Waking all of the sounds in the world
with one giant proclomation!!!

The name rings in every ray
And protrudes and enters and seeps
into every pore and crevass
Fills and surrounds and warms
While never ceasing or slowing

Then, the hustle bustle of life
returns with its never ending
demand, yet the warmth of the light
keeps calling the name, keeps
reminding my body

And then it falls
the light and warmth once again return
under the earth, under the water
to sleep while I do and grow
while I'm not looking