THIS IS MY POETRY PAGE It was created December 7th, 2000.

I said I would get around to putting up some of my writing on my page, and I finally have. First up is a poem I wrote on my birthday a few years ago, which was published in Tapestry, a local Pagan publication.


Dreams of trees, above the leaves,

Sunlight and moonbeams across the eaves,

Of the old house standing in the night,

Enchanted by the ancient light.

As twilight's shadow caressed the land,

The elfin harper lifts her hand,

To play her magic melodies,

Weaving mystic harmonies,

Among the shadows, among the leaves

For this old house in Celtic land,

Was long ago touched by her soft hand,

Though years ago the children's play,

Had all grown up and moved away,

The old Welsh lass, raking her leaves,

Oft spied fairies among the trees,

For wise she was and of the earth,

Singing her melodies of rebirth!

Times moves forward, winding on,

Yet still the echo of her song,

The garden wild now, few come to stay,

In the old house guest room along the way.

Years and days they matter not,

Though fortune or sorrow be our lot,

For trees remember things long since gone,

Quiet echoes of elvensong.

So when you walk out to the night,

As silver sky touches thy sight,

Remember to listen at thy ease,

For the quiet whispers of the dreams of trees.

Here is another poem that I wrote, the first that I had written in a very long time, which I wrote in one of my quiet, introspective moods. Enjoy.

Voice of a Dream

Distant echoes from a longing heart

I stand upon shores wrapped in shadow

A life of longing, of seeking more,

I stand an exile upon the shore.

I want to touch you to see your face

This distant echo I cannot erace

I turn to shadows I turn to dreams

But all I see is yesterday

Where have you gone?

Oh, cold is the heart that waits

In the deepest stillness, an echo calling

Voice of a Dream

Shadows fleeting. Stillness.

The day breaks

Shadows fleeting like banished ghosts

into the night I turn they are gone

Like a lost lover returning to an echo

a dead silence falls over my heart

A shadow calling from another time,

Something from a distant place

An ancient stirring, a remembered face

I hear a voice calling now

A quiet stirring a light returning

Like candles lit against the night

My heart beckons like a guiding light.

Open your heart and set it free

Free your dream and let it be!

Just open your heart and set it free,

Free your soul to let it be!

written November 6, 1996. copyright Andrew Brooks!

Tears Upon the Wind

I release my tears upon the wind

like petals that float away on misty memories,

and dance into shadows

for there

all things are new again

in the land of dreams

gentle ghosts that dance upon the wind

shrouded memories, swirl like incense smoke upon the altar

built to times from long ago

I look into the mirror

and see them shining through my eyes

misty memories

tears and laughter

bittersweet joy and voice of a dream

Shadows Twilight, Twilights Shadow

are we the dream of life

or a shadow of the soul

I look out over the waters

and hear the wind blow

like whispers of ancient souls

oh for the days gone by

back to when we were younger

dancing in the night amid the stars

carefree days of lost innocence

the waters ripple upon the wind

the dream dissolves

waking and longing

voice of mother calling from a far off shore

a love remembered, a lost echo

of a time that is forever gone

ever always

now and ever

I hear your voice upon the wind

see your face shining upon waters

a troubled soul that at last has peace

ghosts laid to rest, spirits walk in the light

as I travail the veil of night

in the land of men i walk between the worlds

ever pondering the meaning of it all

this maze of worlds that we call living

life and death and birth and joy

sorrow and fear and dreams and hope

for thee I pray ever

mother dear I miss thee so

but in my heart I release my sorrows

like tears upon the wind

December 31, 2000 by Andrew Siliar, in memory of my mother, Sandra Lee Cummins All poetry on this page Copyright 2001 by Andrew S Brooks, All Rights Reserved.

I have more poetry, which I will eventually add to this page also.