Robbie Kirkland's Poems

"I may be gone, but I hope I'm not forgotten. Remember me"
by Robbie Kirkland.

"I'm Dying and No One Cares"
I try to stand and walk
I fall to the hard cold ground.
It feels as if to life I'm no longer bound.
The others look and laugh at my plight.
Blood pours from my nose, I am not a pretty sight.
I try to stand and again but fall
To the others I call
But they don't care
The pain is unbearable
The world is not fair
Iím lost and cold
I wish one would lend a hand to hold
My tears mix with my blood
The end of my life
It nears
Iím Dying and no one cares
The pain. The pain.
I scream in pain!
My body shakes in violent spasms
I cry out in pain again!
I scream
My blood pours like a stream
Iím Dying and no one cares
I scream in pain one last time
and then itís over.
I am Dead and no one cares.
Robbie Sad

Poem - I Wish You The Best -

Poem - DEATH -

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