Welcome to my Gulpbook !

roadrunner - 11/09/00 00:06:03
I just want to tell you that I enjoy your link, and that it majorly turns me on to think that you would really swallow me whole and alive if you really could, I guess it's a good thing that that can't happen, cause if ti could I'd want it.

roadrunner - 11/04/00 01:16:58
I would accually love it if you could swallow me whole and alive, I'm sure you'd enjoy me inside your stomach,I guess it's a good thing that I can't get small because I'd have got swallowed by now for sure. Love your sight, suggestion, have you models sta t from thier face to thier throat, that way it would apear as though I was being eatten by her

jerry - 08/26/00 13:12:36
My Email:gerdelagarza@hotmail.com

jerry - 08/26/00 12:29:05
My Email:gerdelagarza@hotmail.com
At last i found a woman that and a website thatis about what i REALLY like! Thank you for making my fantasy come true!

Shane - 08/21/00 13:54:05
My Email:Neil_Hamburger@hotmail.com
Its been a long time since the split now and the tunes from angel dust still sound as fresh as ever just the same as every other Fnm album to date. Music is in a horrible state today with all the pop crap being played on the radio and even bands like Lim Bizkit and Korn who are just recycling things done in the past. I was very lucky to Meet Mr.Patton when Mr.Bungle toured this way and im looking foward too seeing Fantomas soon. Mr.Bungle are a great band capable of so much and i cant wait to hear what t ey come up with next......the only exciting things happening in music today is shit from the underground.....FNM need to come back to erradicate the shit being played today

dont worry about it - 07/14/00 02:29:44
My Email:Nerzule@aol.com
this sight is pretty cool! its like all my fantasies come true.

Armani - 07/10/00 12:46:20
My Email:kot@mail.com
Other sites where you can be swallowed alive : http://www.casti.com/big-gulp/ http://www.redlighthost.com/fetish/locust/mainpage.html Enjoy

Jennifer - 07/03/00 19:13:28
My Email:jenniferwellsbull@hotmail.com
AGH!!! My friend in uvula-less-ness! They told me it was just a trim, but it is definitely gone. I hadn't noticed the ch until you mentioned it, but I had to re-learn to roll my R's.

T.J. - 06/10/00 03:20:03
My Email:atak2@aol.com
I am having some trouble joining the swallowed whole or any other yahoo club. If anyone can help me, PLEASE E-MAIL ME RIGHT AWAY!!!! Thank yo

T.j. - 06/10/00 02:53:48
My Email:Atak2@aol.com
I love your website! Please get some more pictures and if possible some text detailing some fantical story of some guy being in a womans mouth and then being swallowed. I would love to be inside a mouth for about a day, touching every thing and maybe making love to the uvula before I headed down the throat to be digested alive in the stomach. PLEASE UPDATE THIS WEBSITE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! Thank you so much. It's nice to know that their are others like me o

uvula_guy - 05/05/00 03:52:26
My Email:uvula_guy@yahoo.com
Awesome site. Can't believe there are others with this weird desire. What sucks is that it can never be satisfied. Even if it was, you'd die. It would be awesome if you could somehow do it and survive. I'd be interested in any women wanting to try to ct this weirdness out. Nice talkin.

lazy crow - 04/24/00 17:54:42
My Email:lazy_crow@hotmail.com
I am glad to see that somebody had the will to make a site like this, it is simply amazing to know that there are others with this fetish! It would be a dream come true if I could shrink myself to the size of a dildo and have some cute girl with no gag reflexes whatsoever swallow me, just like porn chicks who can swallow a penis. I would dive in head first face up and suckle that cute little uvula all day long! I would also be slurping some serious tonsil while I was at it!

- 04/24/00 15:00:41
This is my savior site!!! Lets get Joe -03/14/00 to scan those hot mag pics and send them in!

aw11_99 - 04/16/00 17:03:45
Cool Site

stratospheerius - 03/16/00 18:15:33
My Email:jdeninzo@aol.com
I want to tell you about an interesting experience I had last year. I always had a fantasy of being a doctor and examining a girl's throat. I called a dungeon in New york, where for around a $100, a woman will fulfill your fantasy, and it doesn't have to involve being tied up and whipped. you can choose to be the "dominant" person and tell the girl what to do. i told them i wanted a "crossover session where the atmospheer would be neutral. I went over to the place in Manhattan, and a beautiful young girl in her late twenties with dirty blond hair opened the door. When I told her what I was into, she was completely open to the idea. she took me to their 'medical room", complete with doctor's uniforms and an examination table. I brought a bag of tongue depressors and cottonswabs with me and a flashlight. first, I was the patient. She examined my throat and gave me a throat culture. Next, the roles were reversed. I spent half an hour gazing down her beautiful pink throat. She even let me touch it. it was incredibly soft and wet. To me, the experience is more sensual that fingering a pussy. Although this is expensive and I've only done it once, it's a great way to get a beautiful woman to open her mouth for you and make your wildest dreams come true. If any of you have had a similar

Joe - 03/14/00 06:30:35
My Email:jdeninzo@aol.com
I have had a throat fetish ever since I was a little boy. I love looking at and touching a woman's tongue, tonsils, soft palate, and uvula. I'm particluarly attracted to women with little or no gag reflex. My wife doesn't mind when I look down her throat, but her gag reflex is sensitive. I thought I was the only one with this fetish. I'm so glad that I'm not alone. Thanks for this website. keep up the good work. I collect magazine cutouts of women with their mouths wide open. Currently, I have some models and actresses, among them actress Maria Bello from ER), and Heather French (miss Kentucky). These gals have some great tonsils and uvulas. There's also some great flix that show some excelent female throat shots. "The Boy Who Could Fly" has a full shot of the lead character girl (I forget her name) getting her throat examined by a doctor. Also, my favorite one is "Deep throat 6", where the four main girls open their mouths and the viewer is treated to a full-screen shot of each girl's uvula and tonsils

LJ - 03/04/00 05:00:49
My Email:ljbear@gtemail.net
Your site is nice I really like your mouth I would love for you to swallow me alive. Could I ask how big of alittle man do you think you could swallow alive.

Christian - 02/27/00 16:10:25
Please update this page some more. I've been on this site like a thousand times, but always the same pictures! Get some new material.

Christian - 02/17/00 22:15:58
My Email:van_mtrl@zont.nl
Wow! What a site! This is the website I've been waiting for a long time. I thought I was the only one with this obsession, but now, I see the're much more people with this throat-obsession. Thanks for everything and please update the website more often.

Brad - 02/13/00 17:42:20
My Email:abcjunk@netzero.net
Nice site...nifty idea...what a country! Keep those teeth pearly white!! Brad PS Did you see my Emails? Or are they lost in a sea of SPAM??

dbherman - 01/16/00 08:46:06
My Email:donbherman@aol.com
love your site thought I was nuts till I Came across your site.Hope you continue to grow as a fantastic site. I will keep checkin in and also try to sign up on your chat clubs. THANKS

steve - 01/15/00 06:20:22
My Email:stephenbumfrey@aol.com
Wow! I wish there was a M/M site like this. Great pictures! Keep it going, sisters.

jason - 12/20/99 07:58:47
My Email:ShrunkenOne@webtv.net
i'm glad that there r others like me! please email me!

mikeyb - 11/29/99 01:50:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~pleasuremachine
My Email:mikeyb_69@hotmail.com
A very unique site..never seen anything like it...im left speechless

Jerry - 11/27/99 20:45:20
My Email:bogiedude@hotmail.com
I'm in heaven!!! I thought I was the only person in the world who had fantasies about stuff like this. The opening picture on your page, and the accompanying "Swallowed Alive" text is simply one of the most erotic things I've ever seen. What a stunningly orgeous mouth. Great photography!! I wish I'd been the lucky person taking the pictures. Let the gulping fantasies begin!!!

mikey - 11/08/99 01:19:11
My Email:PIKABLU99@xoom.com
if i would be swallowed it would be by a girl or a woman and if u r willing to mail me!!

Ralph C.Grimm - 10/28/99 23:42:08
My Email:grimra@yahoo.com
All I can say is that this is one of the greatest web sites I have seen so far. I will reckommend it to my friends. Great work. Looking at a nice wide open female mouth exposing her pharynx such as the tonsils adenoids and uvula is in my opinion one of th most stunning sights that nature can offer from the book of life. Especially when she wears a bit of lip stick the visual effect is just amazing.If you got some other great pics feel free to E-mail some.

- 10/18/99 13:44:06
Hmmm, thereīs no better way to be swallowed as by a nice girl. are there any other pages where pictures are?

minster - 10/16/99 12:53:13
My URL:http://none
My Email:arbok@xoom.com
if i could b swallowed it would be by a woman!!!

EasyPrey - 10/12/99 23:46:10
Yikes -- another great adventure ride!... *in his best Arnold voice* I'll be Back!........

G - 08/19/99 22:20:33
My Email:G100274
What a fantastic site. I wish I could find someone to swallow me !!! hmmmmmmmmmm !!

English_Guy - 08/12/99 00:36:53
My Email:G100274@hotmail.com
FANTASTIC site!!! I never knew there were others like us out there

Wishful - 03/04/99 12:26:01
It is WAY past time for an update...

cud - 03/02/99 03:45:52
some great uvula shots in the new femaletonguesandmouths club at Yahoo

Maxx - 01/29/99 23:37:45
My Email:Falcon5x78@Hotmail.com
Fantastic Site!! Canīt wait for the Singers. Keap up the good work!

JJ - 12/31/98 23:04:59
My Email:jemram72@hotmail.com
Sounds like a very good idea. I would enjoy viewing any of the new singer pictures you may have. The closer the better. I like to see everything in the mouth now, throat, tongue, teeth, dentalwork, I don't care. Go for it!

Lord Byron - 12/31/98 07:58:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/mouths
My Email:lordbyron25@yahoo.com
Thanks for visiting my page. You also have a unique, interesting web site. Good job. I especially like the pictures that are to scale: showing the entire face, mouth, teeth, and tongue.

Paul B - 12/30/98 19:42:15
My Email:Paul_Bergen@maf.org
Great site! I would encourage you to go ahead with the singers page you mentioned. I for one would eagerly look forward to it! What you have done here is a dream come true!

cud - 12/29/98 19:16:46
Great pages! Love the singer idea.

DarkValentine - 12/23/98 04:23:26
Hey. Just here to say good job on the page, and to ask When the Singers page is going to appear?

Doctor G - 12/16/98 00:07:36
An excellent website. No one has a site like this anywhere else! ! Look forward to the singers page when it appears...

Steven - 11/29/98 22:07:57
My Email:mystic2015@aol.com
if you have any big, long, famous, or other tongues email them to me so i can make a super giant tongue page

Red98 - 11/25/98 22:36:58
My Email:Viper26101@aol.com
Hey, great site Toungy! Finally, a web page for one of my biggest fetishes! I was thinking of doing one myself, but I don't know jack about HTML. I'm a regular at the GTS web pages and Big Gulp (even though I'm a bit of a lurker) but I'm also an author on the subject and wrote the short and rushed story Starfighter (it could've been much better). Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to updates!

Argon15 - 11/23/98 14:19:04
I love your site, can't wait for an update.

JJ - 11/17/98 18:02:23
My Email:jemram72@hotmail.com
Hey, great site. I cannot believe something like this actually exists. The pictures are sharp! Very good Job! Keep up the good work. I'll be checking back for updates. Take care!

Gastronaught - 11/15/98 08:48:01
My Email:rko@olympus.net
I"ve been looking for a site like this for a long time. As a swallowee fantasizer since childhood, I've depended on imagination--and a few cooperative females who didn't think I was too nuts! But your pics--I'm talking about the uvula closeups now--suggest a sense of scale that makes the fantasy come alive. Did you take them? I'd be interested in knowing about technical aspects and problems encountered with such photography. What are your thoghts about ultra high resolution 3-D and virtual reality possibilities? Great site!

Lamarun - 11/14/98 19:17:46
My Email:sks@umr.edu
Wow! After many years of searching I have finally found other people who have the same fetish I do. I have always been fascinated by the female mouth and throat. Great web page.

GASTRONAUGHT - 11/14/98 08:04:59
My Email:rko@olympus.net
half-inch tall male seeks correspondence with women into swallowing little men alive.

Dave - 11/10/98 08:12:25
My Email:Roswellbeing@zianet.com
Hi, I will sign your Guest book. I am interested in chatting with women who reflect the fetish of swallowing little men. In that they fantasize about eating little men about four inches tall. Dave

Marcel Of Ort - 11/01/98 11:41:03
My Email:Marcelort@hotmail.com
Your site gets better and better. Thanks for the pics with the teeth. Some of the pics appear to be of guys, which is not necessarily my thing, but when you're that close, and about to go in, I guess it doesn't matter that much at a time like that.

JESS - 10/26/98 02:10:43
My URL:http://www.fetishcities.com/furvert/VOR-COM.htm
My Email:danielhe@camtech.net.au
Avon and I love this site. It's got to be unique in its devotion to subject. Good luck and "may the sauce be with you". JESS +^_^+

Sean - 10/25/98 01:30:12
My URL:http://vector.casti.com/big-gulp
My Email:kurisuto@vector.casti.com
Good idea! I should try to find some bearded or moustached males willing to pose for this kind of pic. --Sean

Katie - 10/22/98 22:20:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Kat37/index.html
My Email:Katies37@aol.com
LOL...once again, another great site! I think you need to come up with a third unique site now :-)

Olrick - 10/21/98 04:17:02
My Email:olrick@hotmail.com
Love your site sir! Would love to kiss and caress some of those uvulas as a 3 inch man. Would love to make love to every part of a woman's mouth for hours before being swallowed.

Ken - 10/17/98 14:02:49
Good man. That elusive little piece of flesh in ladies is so difficult to glimpse...and to find so many, right here. Bravo and thanks!

John - 10/17/98 04:50:02
My Email:JNC2168@aol.com
I absolutely love your web page, this is exactly what I have been looking for. Ever since I was real little, I have had fantasies and fetishes about the female mouth and throat. I have been going crazy trying to find a site with these type pics. I am also happy that other people have the same fantasies and fetish.I was just wondering, where do you get pics like this? Is there another web site with pics like this? If so can you give me the address so I can check out even more of these pics? I would greatly ppreciate it. Well you have an awesome site and I wish you the best of luck with it. I will be checking back everyday for new pics.

Art - 10/15/98 18:45:45
My Email:jess27@primenet.com
My dream has come true! Thank you SO much. I will contribute pics as often as possible. Art ( U )

Toungy - 10/15/98 12:35:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/WestHollywood/Park/5097
My Email:toungy@oocities.com
All right I' ll be the first one myself, I wonder why nobody signs this fabulous GULPBOOK. I made the start of it you please do the rest.

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