Year 2000 - How Exciting! Well? I guess you are all now thoroughly used to writing "'00" on your cheques finally, and the first flush of the new Millennium has worn off???  What a damp squib it all was...  Apart from the Eiffel Tower expoding and the Thames catching fire (NOT) of course. Still, here we are, for better or worse, and, as long as the taxman allows me, I will try and stay online to update my little area on the web from time to time... I will be adding some links here to a diary page when work allows, and from here there may be some new pictures occasionally. As always, I truly appreciate any feedback from you all, and will answer MOST emails I get! (No promises there)...
Update # 1 ... Some recent pictures from March, but mainly from last night! (May 27)... Enjoy :)
I Am trying very hard to remember how to do this! This will be a link to further updates here... I have had an impossible time trying to get back into this page since Geocities was taken over by Yahoo, but now that I seem to be back, I will be posting more stuff! Stand by!!!