A Mother's Love <BGSOUND SRC="Lovers.wav">

I have been a lesbian over 20 years.

I am a single parent. I adopted my son when he was 22 mos. old and with no regrets. He is my pride and joy. He is now a healthy 10 year old and all boy. So when hetros say that is it unhealthy for gays and lesbians to adopt I say BULL.

My sons biological mother drank a fifth of Coffee Brandy a day while she was carrying him. He was born 11 weeks prematurely and with many problems. He had undeveloped lungs, a hole in his heart, and he had to go thru DTs. His medical problems cleared up with time and lots of love, but he has emotional problems from all the alcohol. At the time I adopted him none of this was showing,but as he gets older there is plenty of proof of what alcohol does to a unborn child. I love my son and am doing everything possible for him to grow to be a strong man.

If it wasn't for people like us who would adopt all the unwanted children of the world? I was treated like I had asked the impossible when I wanted to adopt my son. But I was persistent and won. I was in a relationship at the time and I was investigated by the State. I had nothing to hide but the questions was what I thought to be very personal.

My relationship broke up after almost 8 years and my son knows I will have another one soon. When I met with Eileen I was scared that she would not want to have anything to do with us because of Jons problems. The funny thing is that she is very supportive and helps me with any problem that happens with him. I never thought I would be lucky enough for find someone that would understand about Jon. But I did with Eileen and now we are planning to live together. My son loves her like I do and excepts her in our lives with open arms. We will be one big family with Eileen, Jon, Myself and 3 dogs Teddy, Zeus and Jasmine with 2 cats Cinnamon and Marcia

This is my family to date. Soon we will increase to Eileen and her animals

I am the dark haired woman and Eileen is the shorter woman ............1998

Jon age 10.. Strong and healthy now... a few minor problems to work out.

Jasmine age 7 ... Thinks she can beat all the neighbors dogs up.

Zeus age 7.... Father to all the neighbors pups..

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