A Little Piece of Lorien on the Web
jason aka legolas' homepage

My name is Jason (aka Legolas or Lego on the Net). My husband and life partner is Allen. We have been together since 2001, and had a commitment ceremony in May of 2003. Others in the household currently include a Russian blue cat named Rio and a miniature black-and-tan dachshund named Tessa. We currently reside in the Stone Curves co-housing community in Tucson, Arizona.

I was born on June 5, 1976, in Memphis, TN, and I guess you could just say I'm from there as accurately as you could say I'm from anywhere else. The full story is much too long, but I have lived in Mississippi, Arkansas briefly, and middle and western Tennessee. The majority of my family lives within an hour of Memphis, and I lived there for five years before moving to Tucson.

I came to Tucson in August of 2003 to become a graduate student in the Sociology Ph.D. program of the University of Arizona. I did my undergraduate work at The University of Tennessee at Martin and graduated as a University Scholar with a B.S. in Biology. I also attended medical school for a few years at UT Memphis, before deciding to pursue a different career.

If you'd like to know more, visit my personal page.

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