A Little Piece of Lorien on the Web
jason aka legolas' homepage

If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
-Shel Silverstein (my FAVORITE poet)

Personal Info (Hobbies, Interests, etc.)

I like to pursue a variety of intellectual interests, and to expand my horizons by learning about new things. Some of the prominent fields of study that have stayed with me over the years include: biology (evolution, ecology, zoology, medicine), gender studies & queer theory, medieval history, religion & mythology, and social/political movements. My undergrad honors thesis was a mixture of literary analysis, medieval history, and gender studies (rather than a topic in my major, biology). As I mentioned on my intro page, I'm in a Sociology Ph.D. program, and am hoping to incorporate some of the above interests in my research. Right now I'm most interested in gender & sexuality, and how these intersect with areas like social movements, race and ethnicity, and religion.

My first love is reading, and I especially enjoy fantasy and nonfiction of all sorts. I also like to write. In practice the form is mostly essay/academic/discussion, though I also try my hand at short stories and poetry (some examples of that can be found below) on occasion. I aspire to write a fantasy novel someday.

I've had a fondness for video games (and board games, card games, etc) since a pretty early age. Time devoted to gaming has waned a bit lately, but I still make time to play the occasional RPG or latest Nintendo masterpiece. I enjoy other hi-tech hobbies like music, video/DVD, and computers. Music...well, I'm not a big collector, but I enjoy listening to artists of many different styles. Movie wise I have a fair collection of animation, mostly Disney and Anime, with probably fantasy/sci-fi and glbt-themed movies being the next biggest "genres." My main attraction computer-wise is, like everyone (it seems) nowadays, the internet. Mostly I just surf my favorite sites, check my email, and update my blog, but I've been known to chat and MUD on occasion. I have also done a fair amount of web design for some organizations and friends, but nothing special.

Hmmm...other miscellaneous stuff: Just hanging out with friends (who doesn't love that), I love a night at the theatre, and I have aspirations to play the guitar and maybe piano some day. Guess that's enough. :)

A Question

Two rings, one of silver, one of gold. Pick the truer. Pick the better. Which one do you choose?
Tell me YOUR answer.


Between the cross-country move and current efforts towards completing my graduate education, involvement in local and Internet communities is relatively low right now. Beyond building community in my co-housing neighborhood, I'm currently involved in:
Bridges Across the Divide,(self-described as) a cyberspace initiative providing models and resources for building respectful relationships across the divide among those who disagree about sexual orientation and gender variance
Rincon Congregational Church, whose mission statement reads: "We are a modern Christian people of faith, forgiveness and fellowship that is more interested in love and grace than judgment. We have experienced God using our mistakes, brokeness and imperfections to help us become people of hope, patience and joy. We are passionately committed to the spiritual disciplines of humor, listening, compassion and hospitality and true democracy in our structures. We understand that God isn't finished with us yet so we seek wisdom from the Bible, science, everyday life and our own stories. We are young and old, women and men, rich and poor, gay and straight, Black and White, Hispanic and Asian - together - each with a place at Christ's open table."

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my pages

my email
my intro page
my personal page
my picture page
my poetry page
my quotes page
my livejournal blog
my friends' homepages
my lists page
links - intro page