Growing up in a small town was tough enough, but all of my family was in a biker gang. My dad just left us and took off to California, he left me, my older sister and my mom. Last thing I've heard is that dad was shot in a gun fight, good he got what he deserved. Mom didn't grieve for long in a biker gang there's lots of guys available, she didn't pay too much attention to my sister and me, but that was okay me and my sister were always close. My sister Kelly was 19 and beautiful, all the guys in the gang wanted a piece of her, and well some did get with her. I'm 17 and I'm a pretty scrawny, 5'7 140lbs, I also had long reddish brown hair. The gang didn't really like me that much because I wasn't tough and rough like the other boys my age in the gang, but the gang left me alone because my mom was screwing the Rick, the head of the gang, and he warned everyone to leave me alone. I didn't really like Rick that much but he was nice to our family so I guess he was okay. Let me get on with the story, the gang was going on a drive, to scout out a nearby town for the drug trade. Everyone was going but most of us kids stayed behind. Me and my sister had a regular routine when mom went away, every since I was 12, Kelly found out that I secretly would dress up in her clothes and makeup, I told her that I wasn't sure why I did it but that I really liked it. She was really understanding and told me my secret was save with her, and that I just had to make sure that mom never found out. Anyways as soon as they left we began getting dressed, Kelly was great she would pick out some outfits for me and if I didn't like them she would let me choose, but she always picked out great sexy outfits for me. Today she handed me a sexy short beige suede skirt, and a silky blouse that showed off my tummy, I wore nude nylons with three inch black sandals. I was pretty good at getting dressed but I needed some help with my makeup and hair, so Kelly would do my face for me, she always put on a bit too much makeup, it made me look slutty but I didn't care I liked it, and she would spent like 30 minutes on my hair curling and primping it, after that she did my nails. I was almost finished I just adjusted my breast form and added some earings and I was done, I never look into a mirror until I'm totally finished get dressed, I guess I like the surprise. So I got up and snaked over to the full length mirror, I love the way I look as a woman, I automatically began to act like a girl in the way I stood, walked, my hand gestures, and even my voice. Kelly loved it when I acted like her younger sister. We opened up a bottle of wine and had a great night, Kelly took a bunch of pictures of me all dressed up. We had a great night but Kelly worked at the local bar and her shift started at nine so she had to go, which was fine, I would just spend the rest of the time trying on outfits and taking pictures. Before Kelly left she handed me a box, and she told me not to open it until she left. I opened the box right after Kelly left, that Kelly she's such a slut she left me a playgirl magazine, a transsexual porno, and a flesh colour dildo. I don't know what she had in mine for me but wow, I didn't care I knew it was all in good fun. I finished off the bottle of wine and flipped through the playgirl, I've seen pictures of naked guys before, but I don't know if it was the wine but I was getting really turned on, I was totally fixated on their huge fat cocks, I'm never attracted to guys unless I'm dressed up as a girl. After I was done with magazine I popped in the video, it was called Shemale prison, so I popped it in and went to fix my makeup. I loved going to the washroom and reapplying my makeup, I was just putting on some more lipstick when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, I thought it was Kelly and that she forgot something so I was just about to turn around to say something to her, when I heard a man's voice say, "hi who's here." I just froze I didn't know what to do, I grabbed for the door to close it, but I looked down and noticed a pair of boots in the hallway, it was Rick, he said as he was passing, "hey Kelly what's up." I was trying to figure out what was going on, we never made eye contact so maybe he just thought I was Kelly, this was okay I could just stay in the bathroom until Rick left, what the hell was he doing here anyways? I just sat there in the bathroom nervous as hell. Then all of the sudden the phone rang, Rick picked it up so everything was fine. I couldn't resist being in the ladies room and all, so I went to check out my makeup again, then I heard a horrifying knock on the bathroom door, I just stood there it was like time was frozen, I hoped if I ignored it, it would go away. It was so quiet, then I heard a knock again, and then a voice, "Shane can I talk to you." I said nothing, then Rick banged on the door and shout, "Shane get your ass out here now." I tried to pull myself together, and I quickly realized that there was no way out. So I slowly opened the door, only to find Rick standing there with his arms crossed staring down at me, I couldn't make eye contact and he told me to look at him, as soon as our eyes made contact he smiled at me, " well, well what do we have here, I knew I lived in a house full of women, but I didn't know that you were all women." I quickly began to apologize, and I told him that I would never do it again, I started to cry. Then he lifted my chin up and told me to relax and that my makeup was running, he told me to fix my face and that we'll talk in the living room. I touched up my makeup and made my way into the living room, there I found Rick sitting on the sofa and he was watching the tv. That's when I remembered that I put in the shemale porno. "Wow I never knew you felt like this, chicks with dick, who knew." Then he motion for me to sit on the couch beside him. I timidly made my way over there and I smoothed out my skirt before I sat, and I even crossed my legs just like a girl. He looked at me and told me he couldn't call me Shane, and that he would call me Sherry, he said he once had a girlfriend called Sherry and that I kinda looked like her. He went on to tell me that I almost had him fooled, and that he thought I was Kelly in the bathroom get sluttied up, and it was the phone call that gave it away, Kelly made the phone call and was looking for me when Rick answered, so Rick put two and two together and the sissy was discovered. He just smiled at me and I said nothing and we started to watch the tv, and Rick was egging me on, in the movie a really sexy transsexual was on her knees sucking the cock of a big muscular man. " You like that don't you Sherry, I bet its turning you on, have you ever fantazied about being all dressed up like a sexy little slut, just like you look now, and you're with a man and he's having his way with you, hey I bet you would love that?" Then he ask me if I had a purse, I asked him why, and he just asked again, so I said yes I have a purse, that it was actually Kelly's but she lent it to me. Then he told me to go get it, I asked why and he told me that since I was dressed so sexy and that I wanted to be a woman so much that it would be a waste for me to just sit here all night and that I was going to go out with Rick. I told him I didn't want to, and he said. " Sherry come on now I think we both know that deep down inside you want to go out, that just the thought of it was probably making my panties all wet. When I didn't get up he sternly told me to get my purse, I didn't want to piss him off so I got up and went to get my purse, he told me to bring some makeup and stuff, or whatever us girls take in a purse. So I got my purse took the nessesary items, and walked out of the house with Rick, I was so scared standing outside, but I did like the way the wind blew up my skirt, Rick told me to get on his bike, he told me to hold on tight to him and we were off. We didn't dive very far until we pulled up to the local bar, actually it was the same bar that Kelly worked at. We got off the bike and I just stood there, Rick laughed and asked if I was coming in. I told him that I couldn't that I was only 17, he smiled again and told me that Shane maybe 17 but Sherry looks like she's 21 so it was fine, besides no one would give him any trouble in there. I said I didn't feel comfortable about going in there, and he told me to stop pouting like a little girl and lets go. I just stood there and he started to walk towards the bar, leaving me alone, this was just as scary, then another bunch of bikers drove up nearby and they were staring at me, one of the men stopped and said, " he baby what are you up to tonight?" I just smiled and look up towards Rick, he was at the door of the bar and he turned and shouted at me, " Hey Sherry, get your cute little ass over here." I immediately began to girlishly run towards Rick, how embarrassing. Once I reached Rick he told me to stay close to him and that I would be fine, then he put his arm around my waste and escorted me into the bar. Once inside it felt like everyone was staring at me, and Rick seemed to make it a purpose to walk me around the bar. Everyone was saying hi to Rick and then we passed the bar that Kelly was at and we walked by and Rick said he to Kelly and at the same time put his hand on my ass. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at Kelly. We made our way to a table and Rick held out a chair for me and I sat down. I wanted to pass as much as possible so I crossed my legs and sat in my most feminine manner. It wasn't long before Kelly came by to take our order, "Rick what the hell is going on here, why did you bring him here," Rick told her to relax and that Sherry was fine, and that I looked great and that I was having a great time. Kelly told him that I was leaving right now with her, and Rick grabbed her arm and told her to mind her own business and to get him a beer and to get me a rum and coke. I didn't want Kelly to get hurt so I told her it was okay. Kelly left and Rick moved closer and told me I did a good job, then I felt his hand make his way onto my nylon covered thigh. Rick, " you know Sherry you really look great, you don't have to worry about anything, tonight you can be the girl that you dreamed of being, and no one would know anything except him and Kelly," then he pulled me closer to him and told me to give him a kiss, I fought it at first but I was no match for Rick, I just gave in and let him kiss me, I felt his lips touch mine it felt weird, but I didn't have time to think about it when he slid his tongue into my mouth. We french kissed for about 5 minutes, and Rick was getting pretty heavy, he had his hand all the way up my skirt and he was feeling me up and my tuck, he was whispering how horny I was making him and that he wasn't even sure I was a guy, that he couldn't feel anything down there. Our heavy make out session was interrupted by Kelly with our drinks, Kelly grabbed my hand and told me it was time to fix my makeup. Rick smiled and said, " you girls don't be long now." Once we got to the ladies room, Kelly began to get mad at me, asking me how the hell I could do that, I told her it wasn't my fault, just then another girl came in so we stopped talking and started fixing our makeup, then the girl left and she said that I had to stop doing this and that I was going home. So I packed everything into my purse and we left the ladies room. Kelly asked her boss if she could be excused for a half an hour, and he said that we were too busy that she couldn't leave. Kelly got mad but it was no use because the bar owner was good friends with Rick. So Kelly grabbed my hand and led me to Rick's table. Rick greeted us, "ah great ladies you're back." Kelly once again told Rick to take me home, and he told her that he was enjoying himself and that if I wanted to leave I was free to go, but to go home by myself. I quickly told Kelly that I could leave this place and walk home by myself. Kelly told Rick to go fuck himself and we walked to the back of the bar. Kelly tried to convince me that I had to either leave and walk home or stay and try to avoid Rick all night. Just then Kelly's boss came back and shouted at Kelly to get back to work and told her that I wasn't allowed back here. Just then one of Kelly's co-workers came to the back where we were standing. He said by to Kelly as he past and said, "see you tomorrow ladies." Just as he was leaving Kelly called him back. She introduced us, his name was Austin, Kelly told him I was Sherry her cousin, we said hi and Kelly asked him if he was driving home tonight, he said yes and then Kelly paused and took a good look at me. I immediately got nervous, and she then asked Austin if he could possibly drop me off at her house. He said sure and that it was on the way bye. She said great and that I wasn't feeling good, and that I've lost my voice. She then told him that we were just going to fix our makeup and that we would be right back. Inside the washroom I asked Kelly what the hell she was doing, she told me that I would be fine, that I look like a girl and since she told him that I lost my voice that I wouldn't have to talk. I told her that I didn't even know this guy, she told me he was fine that he was a nice guy and that everything would be alright. She smiled and told me to fix my makeup, so I touched up my lipstick, and then we left the ladies room. Austin had brought the car around it was a nice car, a red mustang, I got in and we drove off, he didn't say much he asked me where I was from and I very quietly whispered that I was from New York, he smile and said I looked like a California girl, I just smiled. We arrived at my house and he stopped I said thanks and he got out of the car and walked around to my side and opened the door for me. I got out and smiled at him and started to walk towards my house, when Austin called out, " I hope you feel better?Shane." I just froze not knowing what to do. I slowly turned around to face Austin, he was smiling. "Don't worry I think you look great, in fact the only thing that gave you away was a guy at the bar, when you and your sister went to fix your makeup he came back and explained the whole thing. I was so mad but I was more embarrassed, I told him it wasn't what he thought. Then Austin interupted me and said that what he thought was that I felt comfortable wearing women's clothes and that I looked great. I started crying and he told me to stop that it was okay, and that he wouldn't tell anyone. I was trying to hold back my tears and Austin came towards me and gave me a hug, and I don't know why but it felt so comforting. I apologized and he said that we better get me inside, you since I wasn't feeling well. I let Austin escort me inside, he already knew about me so it wasn't a big deal. We got inside and I asked him if he wanted a drink or something, he said know and I told him I was going to get out of these clothes. I started to walk away and he said that I looked nice so why not just stay dressed up and we could talk. I turned to him and asked him, " do you really want me to stay like this." He said that I should fix my face first and that a girl shouldn't be seen with her makeup running. I fixed my face and took a good look in the mirror, I was so puzzled by this whole thing, but inside it was kind of exciting. So I sprayed on a bit more perfume and I went out to meet Austin. He was sitting on the couch when I entered the living room, I sat on the opposite side of the couch and he said he changed his mind about that drink offer, so I went to the fridge and asked him if I wanted a beer. I brought him a beer and handed it to him, I really love the way my hand looks with my long nails against the beer bottle. I got myself a glass of red wine and I sat and we talked for awhile, he asked me when I started dressing and why. He seemed like a really nice guy he was older he was 22, and he was from San Francisco, we talked for about 30 minutes and he asked me if I could do him a favour and to come sit next to him. I paused a bit and then got up and sat next to him, he moved so that his arm was around my shoulder and before I knew it I was sitting right up against and he gently pulled me close to him. It was silent for a while then he asked me if I was okay. I whispered to him yes, then he told me that I could just let myself go and to relax, and that what I was doing was fine and I shouldn't feel guilty about being a woman. He told me I was very pretty and that he was very attracted to me. He went on to say that back in San Francisco he once dated a transvestite. I couldn't believe it he was seducing me, he then asked me if I ever kissed a man before, I told him no, then he asked me if I fantasized about it. I told him I didn't know and he said that if I did I could live out all my womanly fantasies with him, that no one would know and that I might really enjoy myself. Just as he was saying this I felt his hand grab my hand and I didn't fight it, he kissed my hand and the next thing I knew we met eye to eye and he pulled me closer to him and I just closed my eyes and our lips met. It sent shock wave throughout my entire body, I couldn't resist, I didn't want to resist, he held me tighter and our mouths opened and our tongues met as I sucked his big masculine tongue and invited him into my mouth. We french kissed for about 5 minutes, until I really got excited, he was rubbing my stockened thigh and I just lost control and I straddled him and we passionately made out, he was rubbing my ass, and he grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. I began to rub and massage his cock through his jeans, as he continued to rub and explore my ass and crotch. We kissed passionately for five minutes and he whispered in my ear, he told me to take his cock out. So with my long painted nails I slowly unzipped his jeans and I felt inside his pants and grabbed his cock and pulled it out. I was so excited I've never held a man's cock before. I leaned back to get a better look at his tool and I fell in love, I'm not sure why but I was so curious about it, it is proof that there is a woman in me because seeing it in my hand looked so natural and the smoothness of his shaft felt so good. It wasn't long before I started to stroke his cock as he moaned. I sat beside him to get into a better position, I jerked his cock for about 3 minutes and then Austin placed his hand on the back of my head and slowly and gently pushed my head down towards his cock. It was obvious that he wanted me to give him a blow job, so just as my head was reaching his cock I told him that I've never given a blow job before, he told me it was okay and that I was doing great so far and to just do what a girl like me feels natural. So I smiled and I let him push my head closer to his cock. It looked so big close up like that, I started off by kissing his head, it felt so smooth then I continued and kissed his shaft, then on the way up I licked him until I reached his swollen head again and without hesitation I opened my mouth wide and took his big fat cock into my mouth, I clamped down with my lipstick covered lips and began to bob up and down on his cock. I tried to deep throat him but he was too big, I sucked him for about ten minutes then I tasted his precum and I looked up at him, he smiled at me and told me I was doing great and that I was about to be rewarded. I knew what he was talking about, so I just kept on sucking, I wasn't to thrilled about swallowing cum but I knew that, that is what girls do for there guys so I was going to go through with it. I quickly felt a liquid hit the back of my throat then more and more began to ooze out of his cock, I kept sucking and I managed to keep most of his cum in my mouth, a little slipped out the side of my mouth, he was done and he held my head up. He wanted to see me swallow his cum, so I tried to smile, it was tough with all his juices in my mouth but I opened my mouth and then opened the back of my throat and let the cum slowly slide down my throat, it tasted weird very salty, but once it was done we both smiled and I grabbed his cock again and licked clean the rest of the cum that escaped me. He helped me up from my knees and I sat beside him again, we cuddled for a while and he told me that I did a great job and that I suck cock with the best of them, I smiled and we just sat there with him holding me. Then he lifted my chin and took a good look at my face. He smiled and told me that my makeup was all smeared, and he told me to go to the washroom to fix my face. So I got up and grabbed my purse and went to the bathroom. Once I got to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and I couldn't believe it was me looking back, more importantly I couldn't believe that the cocksucker looking back at me was actually me. I couldn't help but to smile as I fixed my foundation with powder and touched up my eyes, and last but not least I re-applied my lipstick. I put everything back in my purse and just before I left I grabbed some of my sister's perfume and gave myself a few squirts. As I walked out of the bathroom I made sure I was walking as feminine as possible, swaying my hips back and fourth, once I got to the living room Austin wasn't sitting anymore he was standing by the stereo, I said hi and asked him what he was doing. He smiled and told me to come over to him, as I began to walk to him a Shania Twain slow song began playing, he held out his hand and I grabbed it and he held me close as we slow danced. He told me how much he like my perfume, and I rested my head on his chest. About half way through the song he kissed me and told me that he wanted to make love to me. I kissed him back and I was so into being a girl with her boyfriend that I told him that I wanted him to make love to me. With that he picked me up in his arms and started to carry me into my bedroom, I told him to stop once we got to my sister's room and I told him to go into her room. In her room Austin laid me on the bed, and he laid on top of me and began to kiss my neck, I felt like I was in heaven as I stared around her room, I laughed to myself when I saw all the posters of half naked muscle men on the walls. Then I placed my hands on his face and we began to kiss again. I felt so great to have a man laying on top of me I could feel his hard erection poking into my tucked away crotch. Austin then moved in a way that he was grinding his cock into me, I let out a very pleasurable moan which he took as a green light signal and he continued to grind away on me, he had me so turned on. HE whispered to me, " this is fun but I bet it would be more fun if we were naked. With that we quickly took off each other's clothes. I kept on my garter belt and my nylons and heels, it just made me feel even more feminine. He rolled me over so that I was on top of him, feeling our naked bodies rub against each other I began to kiss his lips, then his neck, then his muscular chest, then his abs, then I licked the inner parts of his thighs and then I began massaging his balls with my hands, and then with his inviting cock staring right at me, I spent some time licking and sucking on his georgous tool, his cock felt so good, so natural in my mouth, giving a blow job was better than I have ever expected, it made me feel so sexy, it made me wet if that was possible. I must have had his cock in my virgin mouth for over 20 minutes and he still did not cum, Austin was getting a bit upset, I didn't mind it just meant that I had to keep on sucking. Austin was now getting very frustrated and he told me to suck harder, so I did but he still didn't cum. Then Austin got up and grabbed me and turned me over so that he was mounting me from behind. Then he told me that if he couldn't cum with me sucking him then he was going to fuck me. I just stayed there on all fours, he handed me a condom, I quickly figured out what to do with it so I ripped it open and I grabbed his pole and I rolled the condom down his shaft, I've never done this before so I asked him if I did it properly, he nodded yes and handed me some lube. He told me to lube him up good because he was horny as hell and that I was going to get a good fucking into me. So I lubed him up and he quickly grabbed me hips and turned me around so that my ass was where his crotch was. With me on all fours I could feel his cock begin to poke me, I was so nervous, Austin tried to enter me a few times put I shied away because it was hurting. Austin was trying to be patient, but when a man is that horny its hard to hold back, so he grabbed me tightly and with one large thrust I felt his tip enter my ass, I let out a little scream, but that didn't stop him, "Sorry baby but I know you want this bad, it?s the pain that goes along with being a woman." Then with another thrust he was completely inside of me, it hurt like hell having him impale me like that, it felt like his cock was swelling deep inside of my ass. I couldn't take anymore I was crying and I collapsed and with Austin still in me he fell on top of me. We rested like that for about 2 minutes, and Austin asked me if I was alright, I told him yes and to keep going. So he lifted me back up to my knees, always keeping his cock inside me and then he started to pump inside of me, I let out some more moans, but that only seemed to encourage him and he kept fucking me, now I knew how a girl felt when she was getting fucked. It was awkward at first but we finally go a good rythum going and he was fucking me pretty good. He fucked me doggy style for about ten minutes until he cummed. Then we fell to the bed again, he kissed my neck and I told him that was great, he smiled at me and told me it was pretty good but that we weren't done yet. With that he pulled out of me and turned me over onto my back, then he grabbed me ankles and threw them over his shoulders, and started to fuck me again, I liked this method much better, he had me bend like a pretzel and my knees were touching me ankles, I didn't know I was that flexible, but he was fucking me good, he was like an animal. We fucked for another 20 minutes or so, then we stopped and I had to pee. So I went to the bathroom and sat down and peed, my ass was really burning, then I fixed me makeup and went back to meet my lover. In the bedroom I found Austin lying on his back with his hard cock point straight up, " ah I see my pretty young lady has fixed her makeup and is back for more." I smiled at him and he asked me if I wanted to continue and that it was my choice, I walked over to him and wrapped my small painted nail covered hand around his cock, and said, " what do you think?" With that he told me to climb on the bed, then he told me to straddle him so that I was facing him and that my ass was on top of his crotch. I wasn't sure what was going on, he told me to relax and then he moved so that his cock was poking at the tip of my ass. He told me to sit back and I felt his cock once again enter me. He then told me to ride him like a pony, I really liked this position I could take as much cock inside as I wanted and after awhile I was able to take his whole cock in my ass as I rested my bum cheeks on his thighs. I rode him like this for what seemed like forever, I was so involved that I didn't even notice my sister had come home and was standing at the door watching, the only reason I knew she was there was because Austin smiled and said hi to her. I was completely shocked I stopped riding hi and turned to her. She smiled and said, " hey don't stop on my account, you two seem to be having a great time" I smiled at her and she winked and told Austin, " to take good care of her little sister. " She left and we went back to our love making.