The sad fact is that most people, men and women, do not have the slightest idea of how to suck cock. Most seem to think that simply by making a cunt of their mouth, closing it around a man's penis, and bobbing their heads lustily up and down until he climaxes automatically makes them expert cock suckers. Au contraire! Consummate skill is required to suck a man's cock and provide him with the highest degree of pleasure possible.


Place his stiff cock inside your mouth but do not tighten your lips around the shaft. With your head begin a circle motion.

The cock will slide to different places in your mouth as you continue the circle motion. Watch your teeth on this one.

A kneeling position will suffice but it is also effective when your partner is on his back and your head is directly over his cock.

The circle should be executed in both clockwise and counterclockwise motions in a slow purposeful manner. When the technique is performed correctly it means many hours of unadulterated pleasure.


Right now lets discuss a technique that is probably the most common cock sucking technique in the world. Take his cock in your mouth but not deeply. We will get to deep throating later on. It's great, not over-rated, but if you want to be an expert at deep throat start with the right techniques and work your way down so to speak.

Take his cock in your mouth by sliding your moistened tongue lovingly over the head until your lips close around the shaft at the point just behind the corona. Don't just open your mouth and close it around his cock. Slide it in. He will enjoy it much more.

Encase the shaft of his penis with your hand. Remember the shaft is relatively insensitive to any kind of stimulation. By enclosing his penis with your hand you give him the sensation of having his penis encased.

Now you have several options.

Try twisting your head from side to side making sure your moist lips stay in contact with the coronal ridge.

While doing this gently move your hand up and down the shaft.

When he climaxes he may want to push your head further down the shaft of his penis. He wants to envelop you with his cock. As you are learning his climax you will miss the fine points if you deep throat at this time.

Instead gently suck around the corona as he climaxes so that you can intensify his pleasure and increase the force of his orgasm.

As you gain more experience you will be able to tell exactly when his climax is approaching and you will be ready for that initial spurt out the rubber.


There is one further refinement to this basic technique which will heighten his orgasm. If you place your thumb at the very base of the penis in such a way as to block the tube through which the cum spurts, the semen cannot escape even though he is spasming and going through the reflex action of ejaculating semen.

If at the same time you suck vigorously on the head of his cock you can delay his cum for several long moments. When you finally allow the cum to spurt it will last much longer and be just as intense as a a result.

Even though you delay the cum for only a few short moments you will be surprised by the intensity of his cum.

These techniques are the basis of cock sucking. Do not go beyond them until you have become an expert, not only in the techniques themselves, but also in the reading and interpreting of your partner's responses to such a point that you know exactly how he is getting off on what you are doing.

When you have reached this point, you are ready for the more subtle, more advanced techniques.

Don't be so slavish that you miss out on the fun of self discovery. Find out what works for you and for your partner and make your cock sucking as individual as your signature. After all you want your man to pick you out in the dark among hundred of slobbering cock suckers.


One of the first things you encountered when you first started to suck cock was a gag reflex. Most men seem to want to force their cocks down your throat as far as they can get it. Particularly at the moment when they cum!

Consider for a moment that the average length of your oral cavity is three to three and a half inches while the average Caucasian cock length is five to five and a half inches. The laws of nature would seem to dictate that getting all that cock into your mouth is an impossibility.

It can be done.

The biggest obstacle to taking all of his cock down your throat is the fact that there is a bend of almost ninety degrees behind your tongue leading down into your throat. So the first thing to do is get the cock past that angle.

Get past the angle of the dangle!

In order to practice this, get in a position where you can turn your head in such a way that your mouth and throat lie almost in a straight line. The best position to accomplish this is to lie on a bed so that your head is near the edge with your body sprawled across the bed so that your head is tipped sharply back.

This position will put your mouth and throat nearly in a line and will allow your partner to approach you in such a way that insertion of his cock can be made so deeply that his pubic hair presses against your lips.


Today we will practice mastering physical reaction that must be alleviated before the art of deep penetration can fully be enjoyed.

The natural tendency of the body to gag when a foreign object such as a deeply thrusting cock being forced down your throat. You can overcome this tendency by completely relaxing your throat at moment the insertion is made. It is equally important that you maintain this relaxation during the entire deep throating.

Let him put his cock down your throat and hold it still while you find the most comfortable way to proceed. Because of your position you will not be able to move or to offer him any greater stimulation than simply keeping your mouth tightly closed around his throbbing cock. If you are able try to stimulate his underbelly with your tongue, do it!

You will only be able to relax and take his cock in this way if you completely thrust your partner.

Your partner is in full control.

He must initiate and maintain all the motion.

This is the only exercise in which you relinquish your control of the situation to your partner. He will relish this for the simple fact that for the first time he can insert his cock as deeply down your throat as he wants to. Now your partner begins an in and out movement that is just like fucking.

He should start slowly, especially if this is a completely new experience for the two of you.

After all if he hurts you he cuts himself off from one of the great pleasures in life.

His only other requirements during this exercise is to keep the motion in the same direction throughout this oral exercise as there is simply no leeway for him to vary the motion from side to side.

One other word of caution.

Don't let your partner get carried away at the moment he starts to cum.

At that spectacular moment he will be able for the first time to thrust his cock all the way inside your oral cavity and that is the most important lesson of this exercise!

His only other requirements during the exercise is to keep the motion in the same against your lips as he cums.

Because of your position in bed you will not be faced with the problem of swallowing his cum because he has gotten his cock BEYOND your gag reflex. His cum will shoot directly into your stomach.

If both you and your partner understand what it is that you are trying to do as well as the possible problems that may "cum" up along the way no harm or discomfort will happen to either of you.

It is possible that not everyone will learn the "deep throat" technique but this inability does not make you any less a cock sucker.

You must allow your throat to relax completely while your partner is thrusting his cock this deeply down your throat. To do this long enough for your partner to completely get it off is very difficult and may require practice beyond this day.

It may be that you will be able to take your partner completely down your throat, but you will not be able to maintain proper relaxation of your throat to until he shoots his load.

Hopefully your partner will understand that this is not a rejection of him or of what he is offering you, and it is my sincere desire that you not stop here and think that you will never master the "deep throat" technique.

No. No.

Continue to practice this lesson because your practice will allow you to take his cock deeper into your throat each time and for longer periods of time.

Ultimately you will succeed.


Now lets turn to another portion of your partner's anatomy which should not be ignored-the family jewels. Here are two objects which can enhance your partner's feelings more than any other.

For today's lesson begin by gently licking his balls with your tongue. As your partner becomes more trusting you may begin to play with his nipples with your fingers gradually increasing or decreasing the intensity as you gauge how he is responding.

You may want to gently caress his cock with your hand while you are bathing his balls with your tongue.

Remember that the balls are extremely sensitive to pain and he will lose his trust in you if you do not respect any limits he places on them just as you have the right to place limits on the back of your throat until you are completely ready to receive him.

It is possible once you have built up this trust to take both his balls in your mouth. He will be more receptive to this if you thoroughly wet them with your tongue prior to taking them into your mouth.

This may seem a small lesson but you will discover an entirely new world of sensations for your partner when you take tho time to get to know his testicles!



Putting your tongue to his anal opening.

Ass sucking.

For this lesson place your partner on his back with his legs in the air and his knees close to his shoulders.

This spreads his buttocks apart and allows you access to his Butt hole.

You are probably under the impression that actual penetration of the asshole itself is necessary for your partner to receive the most complete enjoyment of this technique.

Not so mojo!

The nerve endings around the anus itself have no discrimination and you will get him off just as well and as thoroughly by licking around the area as if you stick your tongue up his butt!

As with some of your other lessons this technique will not usually be enough to get him to cum, but I feel that it is important to know all aspens of your partner's body in order to give him the most complete pleasure you can.

You may find that after many hours of oral pleasure you need to have other areas to concentrate on in order to give him the satisfaction he deserves.

Analingus is a powerful stimulant and when combined with other activities such as vigorous hand stimulation on his cock will cause a rapid and powerful cum!


There are times when you will want to get him off in a hurry!

Because I want you to become an expert at all aspects of oral lovemaking I deliberately waited until now to introduce this technique. He will love it all the more if he realizes that this is not the only trick you have down your mouth!

It is a very simple technique and if you understand your partner's basic cock anatomy you will grasp this one easily. Place your lips around the head of your partner's cock and twirl your lips wetly and gently around the coronal ridge at the back of the head of his penis.

This does not require any great cock sucking skill and it works simply because this is the area that is most sensitive on your partner's cock.

It is not necessary to be a skillful cock sucker. All that is necessary is for you to find the most sensitive area around the coronal area. By sucking on this area of his cock continuously you will produce a quick powerful cum.

It is not necessary to bob your head up and down on his cock to get him off. One other use of this technique is to get him hard again after he cums and you will soon find him rip roaring to go again.


Don't be surprised if you find yourself going back to this lesson for seconds.

We discussed briefly at the end of lesson 8 a technique to get him going again if he has recently cum.

Today after you have gotten your man off, let's concentrate on some techniques to get him back on again.

Not just to get him hard but to keep him hard. Hard enough to want to cum again!

After he has cum you may need other techniques to keep him hard and to keep him interested.

Many men (not all but a good portion of us) are exhausted by a single cum and while it is possible to get your partner up again you have a long way to go before you get him to cum again.

Cock sucking alone at this time is usually not enough to get him off. You will need to combine some of the techniques you have learned earlier with your basic cock sucking technique to stimulate the juices for a second and third go around. Don't hesitate in your exploration of his body at this time. His nipples, his balls, his asshole. His armpits. His earlobes. For the second cum you are free to really get into his body and explore all those erotic areas that you missed when you were concentrating on his cock exclusively. His navel. His toes.

One of the things I find most exciting about the second cum is the lack of expectation that you must get him to climax within a certain time frame. You have all the time in the world to really give his total body a complete tongue bath. You can explore his body safely and completely and really get to know the total body as well as you know his delightful dick!


Sixty Nine

Sixty nine is not always the perfect way to provide your partner oral satisfaction. Inadvertently one of you will "let up" your end of the cock sucking in order to experience the subtle pleasures the other partner is giving you.

For this reason I have included it as the final lesson. Many people think that the deep throat technique is the ultimate pleasure you can give your partner. Actually I believe that sixty-nine is the ultimate pleasure.

Done correctly and unselfishly when both of you are completely in tune with each others innermost desires, the sixty nine is the ultimate. But because of the problem mentioned earlier in this lesson, most people practice it too early and it becomes an intensely satisfying experience for one partner at the expense of the other.

When you are completely on each other's wavelength you will discover that this is the most effective way of giving as well as receiving pleasure.

The element that must be in place is simple: Both of you must be consummate cock suckers!

If you have a partner who is not in the least interested in giving head and only likes to receive it then to attempt sixty-nine is to ask for unhappiness in your relationship.


The best position for this very sensuous cock sucking movement is kneeling over your partner. If he is on his back kneel between his legs. Or kneel in front of your partner while he stands. I like this position because the cock feels thicker in your mouth and throat and you have complete freedom to play with his balls while performing this maneuver.

This technique was first introduced to me by a cock sucker in northern California. There was a notorious movie theater in downtown San Francisco with a darkened balcony. A cock sucker's haven. And this guy had us lined up. You knew from the moans emanating from the guy's throat who was getting his cock sucked that this guy was that one in a thousand who knew how to please a variety of fresh cock meat.

It felt so good that I studied him closely while he was sucking cock. Not only did I observe the guys who were getting the radical suck, but I got down close to the cock and observed how he was maneuvering around it. He created the basic vacuum pressure on the cock but only enough pressure to pull the cock into his mouth ever so slightly.

With his lips firmly wrapped around the guy's big swollen cock head and shaft he would gently flick the tip of the cock with his tongue.

With his lips open around the cock at a depth so that he could touch the tip of the cock with the tip of his tongue. With his lips around the cock shaft he would make an up and down movement with his tongue. He would flutter his tongue up and down the tip of the cock.

I recommend you try it. It will drive your Butterfly Flutter partner back into your mouth at any hour you want him there. After several minutes of this continue with the basic vacuum suck.


After you have become comfortable with the basic vacuum suck and you have become accustomed to his cock deep in your mouth and throat try this action. It is guaranteed to take his breath away.

With you lips firmly wrapped around the cock shaft try very slowly to reach the base of the shaft or as close to it as you are comfortable.

Your nose should be buried in or at least touching the public hairs at the base of the cock.

With your nose trace a figure eight as if the figure eight were lying on it's side.

Your figure eight motion should be three to four inches long.

Slowly travel up the shaft of the cock to the head, doing the figure eight motion. Keep doing this motion and let your lips firmly travel up and down the cock shaft.

Do this for as long as you are comfortable with it. Believe me your man is floating in orbit as his wildest dreams of the ultimate blow job are coming true.

When you get tired of the movement slow down and return to the basic vacuum suck.

By this time you are becoming more and more confident with your partner. His cock feels great as it fills your mouth and throat.

The cock is becoming harder and warmer as your warm moist mouth and throat create friction by going up and down that big beautiful cock. It is time to cool his tool just a little with this technique.

Go down on the cock shaft as far as you are comfortable. All the while your lips should be firmly wrapped around the shaft.

Open your mouth as wide as you can and suck in as much air as your lungs will hold. While sucking in air let your open mouth travel up to the cock head.

Your up stroke motion should end at the head of his cock just as your lungs fill with air. Now with your mouth still open let the air in your lungs out slowly through your mouth as your opened mouth travels back down the cock shaft. This technique cools the cock on the up stoke and warms the cock with your hot breath on the down stroke. Do this movement as long as you like then return to the basic vacuum suck method.

Congratulations! You are doing just fine and he loves it!

Keep it up as long as you are comfortable with it.

For his added pleasure and to give you something to play with reach up and fondle his balls. Or go up even further and play with his nipples. This will give him something else to concentrated on so he doesn't pop his cock yet.

If you feel he is about to cum stop what you are doing and let him cool off for a few minutes.

After all you are having fun and you want to enjoy his cock as much as you can until you get tired of it.

Then let him pop his cock!

But not yet.

He likes it too much and he wants it to last as long as you can keep it going.


Place his stiff cock inside your mouth but do not tighten your lips around the shaft. With your head begin a circle motion. The cock will slide to different places in your mouth as you continue the circle motion. Watch your teeth on this one.

A kneeling position will suffice but it is also effective when your partner is on his back and your head is directly over his cock. The circle should be executed in both clockwise and counterclockwise motions in a slow purposeful manner.


With you man sitting in an elevated position and you on your knees in front lift his hard cock to reveal his balls. With your tongue find the underside of his balls. Now, while resting his balls on your wet tongue, lick in an upward motion to the very tip of his cock. It is permissible to use your hands in this technique. It is better to do this technique several times in succession-like licking a lollipop or ice cream cone.


Special thanks to Manly Lover for letting me work on his original pix