The gay JW guestbook(The original and still unknown...)that is, when it is working!! If not, just write me!!

doug - 09/08/00 04:05:51

hey, that was awesome.good work my friend. I had the same prostate problems at 35. I fixed mine with advice from the dr. it wouldn't work for you from what I've read. there are herbs that help and have helped me though. I never have a prob. anymore.Iwas a out ready to jump ship lately. I hve known the truth all mylife and what a story I could tell you. I'm older than you by only a few years, but I'm still hot and ready for sex again. it is a constant struggle. you hang in there my firend.

Roger - 09/03/00 18:19:33

Hi David, thanks for the suggestion. I have decided to make a new site design, but need some ideas. If anyone has any other ideas, content or design- please let me know!!!

David - 09/03/00 05:31:11

Hi there! Finally I have found the site for the thinking man with homosexual tendencies. This site is very interesting, i think that it would be worthwhile to update it! Hard to believe that in almost 2 years so few brothers have left messages on this com letely open forum. Instead they tickel each other's ears on the other new site for about a year now. Roger, if you are still with us, fix up this site and expand the potential to help!

Roger - 08/22/00 14:08:41

Just testing to see if this works...

Roger - 07/18/00 15:35:08

Thank you Graham for your comments. It is unfortunate that our faithful and discreet slave ignores some of our day-to-day concerns in the rush to condemn the system. Few new friends are entering the truth anymore, we really need to help those who are here already so we do not lose what already resides within us!

Graham - 07/08/00 18:03:51

Hey, I wish you were around when I left 16 years ago......10 years in various capacities of full time service....I just walked out of the congregation feeling the loneliest person on earth...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK....what the Soc. needs is good socio/econo ic policy in a difficult is hell bent on getting everyone to the other side of Armageddon....and forgets that since "no man knows the day and the hour" we have to live in the mean time. All best wishes, guys and girls, just wish I was around to give you some support.....xxxx

Roger - 07/01/00 05:09:51

Finally, after six months I am healthy again and for the first time in a while, I seem to be free of homosexual desire!! Was it lots of prayer, study or meetings- no not really. I am attending meetings regularly but they seem more interesting and less irr tating now that I can sit down! My energy has been directed to building my new house and I get the excercise I need without the boredom of a gym or other methods. Thanks do go each and every day to Jehovah for keping me out of sexual contact and for allow ng me to feel well again. Maybe soon I will get a zeal for the truth for the first time in my life....

David - 05/29/00 14:41:33

I agree, so many of us are forced to deny ourself and suffer depression and shame because of it. In my own case my elders made me feel like trash that was to be taken home after the meeting. I suffered a nervous breakdown and later stopped eating and beca e very ill. My own family was not concerned until I was hospitalized from dehydration. No one visited me there and when I returned home i decided to move away. I have been away from the kingdom hall for two years and when I see the friends here I just hid or avoid them, or not answer my door. There has been no sexual contact with men on my part, but if it happens I guess it would not matter. I do pray every day even now, but doubt that I want to return to my congregation. Funny thing, I no longer care if od lets me live until the new system!!

Joanne - 05/29/00 11:18:20

Thanks for sharing.. it's nice to know that there are others out there battling it out. Maybe one day having homosexual feelings won't be such a stigma

George - 04/14/00 18:27:47

Hi to those courageous enough to come here. I was wondering if any of you have considered the effects of a nonsexual relationship with another homosexual brother. We always get warnings about this but does anyone really think that this arrangement is sinf l? Let me know!!

Roger - 04/05/00 16:13:00

Brad, your e-mail does not seem to work. Write me back, I really enjoyed your e-mail and experiences along with your photo (You are the best looking guy I have seen yet) I do feel bad for you and hope that I can help in any way you might need.

Brad - 04/05/00 14:10:16

Hello there, I am a guy who was raised in the truth but never got baptized. My sexual preference was evident to me from the age of 14. I knew that Jehovah"s organization was not the place for a guy like me so I never entered it. However, I did carry on a ecret relationship with a MS in another congregation. We were together for three years but now he is married to a woman (a show of course) and I was left out. I hate to admit it but it is great to be in a loving relationship but I want no part of adultery Roger, if you want to meet a great gay guy e-mail me and we can get to know each other. BTW, I am blond and a bit muscular!

Brad - 04/05/00 14:09:30

Hello there, I am a guy who was raised in the truth but never got baptized. My sexual preference was evident to me from the age of 14. I knew that Jehovah"s organization was not the place for a guy like me so I never entered it. However, I did carry on a ecret relationship with a MS in another congregation. We were together for three years but now he is married to a woman (a show of course) and I was left out. I hate to admit it but it is great to be in a loving relationship but I want no part of adultery Roger, if you want to meet a great gay guy e-mail me and we can get to know each other. BTW, I am blond and a bit muscular!

Jim - 04/01/00 05:15:44

Great site!! Keep up the good work and I cannot wait to see the new site!!

Robert - 03/25/00 01:27:17

Hello there, I cannot believe that a site such as this gets no visitors, or anyone with the courage to leave a message in the guestbook! There are a couple of other sites, but this seems to be the only one written from the heart of a brother not brainwash d but willing to share his experiences. I myself have bee struggling with this issue and thank god that I was able to cultivate a relationship with a sister (I am bisexual) and through Jehovah's help and the encouragement of his organization, my feelings or men have been replaced with a desire to serve Jehovah right down to the end. I feel very sorry for the ones who cannot know love on a personal level with a mate. Every day I pray to know why homosexuality is so bad when there are those who cannot help ow natural it feels to them? My experiences came from abuse, but I am sure that some of you out there have some congenital factors involved instead. How about some comments here??

George - 03/21/00 23:44:45

Hi there: I just wanted to express my appreciation to Roger for my visit to Florida. Thank you for making my first meeting of another homosexually oriented brother such a positive experience. Thanks again!

Larry Copelad - 01/31/00 15:52:22

I invite all gay present and former JWs to this website and email me. I am establishing a support group for gay present and former JWs ( having been baptised in 1979 and served as an aux. pioneer and ministerial servant). A Common Bond is an international support group.

Larry Copelad - 01/31/00 15:51:44

I invite all gay present and former JWs to this website and email me. I am establishing a support group for gay present and former JWs ( having been baptised in 1979 and served as an aux. pioneer and ministerial servant). A Common Bond is an international support group.

Roger - 12/31/99 03:57:03

You do have a valid point. If you are able to have sexual release, I wonder if these are homosexual fantasies or just an automatic release with no sexual actions. I myself always feel guilty and never go for the men in my dreams. If your experience is dif erent I will change my statements when I rebuild this website.

Karl - 12/30/99 13:54:30

Richard, I agree with many of the things that you express on your web pages, but I do disagree with the following statement published on your page dealing with health problems for celibacy: "Without sexual experience and with the terrible guilt associated with homosexual acts the truly homosexual brother cannot release his built up fluids at night." My reason for disagreeing is that for me, I do have "wet dreams" even though I am gay. Therefore, there is a release of fluids on an occasional basis. I too do not practice masturbation and never have, and I am 35 years old! Neither have I ever had sex wi h anybody, male or female. Perhaps you would like to add an amendment to your theory. Karl

jean cote - 12/22/99 22:35:21

Je suis non exclu. Je sais a quel point il peut etre difficile de vivre la vie d'un temoin de jehovah tout en desirant quelqu'un du meme sexe , j'ai ete a meme de constater le manque d'education de certains temoins par rapport a la question... si vous a ez besoin d'une oreille attentive je serai l'a pour vous... Il n'est pas question ici de critiquer l'organisation mais plutot de recevoir l'aide... l'une des principales causes de suicide en Amerique du nord est le refus d'accepter son homosexualite. peu importe ce que vous ferez vous serez toujours homosexuel que vous choisissiez de la pratiquer ou non... ce n'est pas parce que vous priez que vous deviendrez davantage attire par l'autre sexe. j'ai essayer sans arret pendant 15 ans et c'a ne fonctionne pas pour moi en tout cas.

John - 12/17/99 15:51:52

Hi Darryl, I tryed to email you but the address did not work. Would like to talk to you sometime. This is a good site and there are two others to check out. write me if you want.

Darryl - 12/16/99 00:56:30

I just want to thank you Roger for helping me greatly in my struggle to cope with homosexual feelings. I realize now that I was only acting on feelings of being wanted and not from a natural desire. My feelings for women have increased and I will be looki g for a sister soon. I just want to tell all of you out there that there is hope for us if we only keep a positive attitude. It is good that the guy who put up this site is understanding and seems to not have a selfish motive. I am glad that I did not tel my elders yet, I will discuss it with them when I come to terms with my spiritual progress. Thank you again!

- 12/16/99 00:46:38


- 12/13/99 00:35:38


Dude from N. Europe - 12/03/99 18:20:52

Well good for you! I guess I have been "lucky" lately cuz just last week I was put in a difficult situation without me causing it. I was at a business conferance and had to share a room (there cheapscates at the office!) with a great looking gay had go back to the reception and pay for a seperate room. I just can't say what would have happened if we'd have shared a queen size bed together.It wasn't easy, it wasn't cheap, but it was worth it! But like I said situations like that just keep happeni g to me!

Roger - 12/03/99 05:14:23

At last, a real comment! I have to admit, though , that Satan has forgotten about me when it comes to men, I have not met an attractive one in years!! I did not know that I had a view on maturbation, I stated to avoid it if possible. Do you disagree with his??

Good looking pioneer from Northern Europe - 12/02/99 22:36:43
My URL:http://www.IhaveonebutIamsurenotgonnatellya.htm

Finally a page that DOES make a lot of sence!!However I absolutly don't agree on your view on masturbation. And reading about that I can't help but doubt the fact that you never even once masturbated in life! Anyways..I don't want to start of negative tho gh. I've seen a few of these "gay JW" sites and even those freaks at the "comman bond" sites and I must say that this is the only one that draws my attention. Even though I can cope with the gay issue quite well myself at times...Anyways..maybe I'll write some more later on, maybe it would help to write some stuffs to vent things. Have you guys ever felt that sometimes Satan just seems to throw handsome men at ya? I think because ever since I have made so much progress spiritually I have just had so many t mptations without going anywhere where I shouldn't go that I just can't believe it's all a coincedance. Sometimes I do see Satan's hand in those situations...fortunally there is always Jehovah's strenght too,to help me trough...up till now anyway! Take c urage and Jehovahs strenghts bro's! Ask for it...all the time. We need it! ;o)

Roger - 12/01/99 01:14:17

Thank you for your comments. The reason that i have not gotten rid of all of the bad comments is that those do reflect the reason that I have felt so alone in the truth. It is shameful that some can only offer hate or bad advice but no real solutions to o r problems. Believe me, I have deleted many hateful and profane messages as soon as they arrived. I have been parodied by others in "clone" websites and hacked out of my site before. If we get more encouraging messages then the bad ones will disappear. Sp ead the word, it is very lonely here!

- 11/30/99 22:20:26

I was refered to this site by a friend. I think the site has some good content, but this guestbook leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know if this is supposed to be an encouraging site or not? I am a bit disturbed at all the hate messages. Is this how wi nesses act toward their own? If you do nothing else please clean up the guestbook!

Roger - 10/30/99 04:21:48

some death threats but precious few encouraging responses. I am building a new site and looking for a REAL home for it. If anyone has ideas on a location or a new format please e-mail me. I have finally come out of my deep depression and my healt problems and I am ready to go on. Thank you for your support.

- 10/17/99 01:48:42


Candyrain - 10/01/99 05:25:00

Hi me/anonymous!! We know its you!! say ..have you taken you medicine yet?

MeAgain - 09/26/99 06:01:27
My Email:anony@mous

I cannot believe that you are still allowed to have this site. Jehovah must surely be arranging your destruction now. Oh have you entered one of those blond muscular men yet? I hope that he gives you a fatal and slow disease. Maybe you two will be stuck t gether and have to be separated at the hospital! Yeah, wait until they see your medical directive- what a laugh!!!

Roger - 09/26/99 03:55:05

Thank you, nothing speaks like experience. No reasonable person would willingly subject themself to ridicule and depression to the point of self-destruction. If only others would judge less and love more....

sas Valdez - 09/25/99 03:35:13

This "Me" person sure visits this site a whole lot Could it be that "Me" is really crying out for help? Kick that closet door open "Me" its so obvious about you its not even funny

Kevin Kelley - 09/22/99 23:04:56

Hi all: My best friend is a gay Jehovah's witness. I need to understand, I am interested in the truth and we are studying together. I am thinking of baptism and the elders seem to think that I qualify. Should I mention my tendencies to them or not? My friend ells me to pray about it but he does not recommend it now. I am so confused and by the way, I am sexually attracyed to my friend. He admits to being attracted to me also. I was studying with another brother before but I ended up with my friend again when he other brother moved away. Help me I am confused!! KK

- 09/16/99 04:06:12


Jupiter(Guy) - 09/15/99 10:51:26

Comments: name is ****! I am 17 years old & gay!!!! I'm still in the truth. I'm not baptized, but I am an UNbaptized publisher!! Everyday I am faced with problems...& I have a feeling it's going to be like this for a VERY LONG time!! I have known that i'm ay for about 8 years, I was very young at the time. I knew all my life I was different than other guys. I live in the Georgia(USA) area! I'm hoping to here from young teens or young people like me & share problems w/ each other or WHATEVER you want to tal about! If you want to know more about me just Email me & ask me anything you want! O.K? O.K. I REALLY HOPE to here from YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch!! Jup

Joey - 09/14/99 17:47:27

I think you have a very encouraging site, Roger. I have comments for "Me" and "Righteous" though. "Me", what you did was a very stupid thing by alerting Soceity about this website. Do you think that the brothers at headquarters are stupid? They'll have a etter back to your congregation elders so fast telling them to be on the look out for you because you were looking at at Gay JW website and that you might need readjusting from homosexual tendencies! And for "Righteous", if you are so righteous, why were ou even looking at this website? Having some homosexual feelings yourself? Hypocrites like you make me sick! Neither of you should have been looking at potentially "dangerous" material such as this and if its anyone who needs reproving it's you!

Roger - 08/26/99 23:04:27

Thank you Marcus, you are obvoiusly a fine mature Christian (unlike the fire and brimstone messages here)

Marcus - 08/26/99 18:54:10

I really have not had time to review your site with a fine toothed comb. From skimming the info. it seems we are on the same page. Loyalty to Jehovah despite personal cost. A desire to glean support and validation without transgressing Jehovah's laws O princilples. Maybe I should have read more carefully but at this time I do not feel threatened. I'm not sure what to make of some of the previous messages. Time has taught me not to jump to conclusions or prejudge the motives of others; I would sugges the same to some of the people who have seen fit to accost a number of ones who had taken a risk to recieve help. May Jehovah continue to bless those with right motive, knowing that he reads the hearts. Brotherly love from a fellow worker in the faith. br>
JWman - 08/25/99 16:53:03

Is this another Common Bond site or what?

- 08/26/99 23:02:31

Listen "me", everything I write is from PERSONAL experience and is true. The truth is always right!!

Me - 08/25/99 16:47:53

Tell you what is unscriptural????? I think it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain cell what is unscriptural on your site. To start off with: how about the saying that masturbation is ok, and acts as a release? And what about all those really stupid things you've written on your awful article 'health effects of celibacy'????? You mis-represent Jehovah's Witnesses. There are many other things I could say about your site, but quite frankly if you are too stupid to see them for yourself I do not see any point in spelling them out to you. I have written to the Society about your website.

Roger - 08/25/99 15:45:09

Hi "righteous", if you can show me one thing that is untruthful or unscriptural about my site I will fix it. How can I contact you guys if I have no e-mail address? Please at least show some compassion, I do not judge you and you should not judge others. remember, I am celibate and cannot be removed truthfully on the basis of immorality.

Righteous - 08/25/99 15:42:00

You are from Satan and am trying to stumble those of us who are loyal followers. I think you are disgusting and should be with your faggot muscle buddies and leave us alone. I want to report you to your elders but I will leave that to Jehovah, he will get you in the end!!!

Roger - 08/25/99 05:48:06

Yeah, the truth always hurts. Don't worry, I use a computer at the library and rearrange my name to confuse those in denial of how things really are.

Me - 08/24/99 16:18:23

Your site is shocking. Oh, and you like muscular blonde men do you? You pervert. I hope they find you and expel you.

- 08/10/99 15:59:10


- 08/07/99 12:27:07

Jeremiah 5:8

Brad - 07/12/99 04:46:36

Hey Jessed777. I tried to email you on your aol account but it says it isn't a known member. I would be interested in going to NY Convention let me know how to get in touch with you.

jesse - 07/08/99 18:42:50

If anyone is interested in attending the 1999 District convention in the New York City area July 9-11 or August 13-15, and would like a companion to sit and travel with please E-Mail me ASAP. I am a disfellowshipped 28 yr. old male. Thank you.

Roger - 06/29/99 06:06:30

I agree, we are sometimes forced to leave against our will. I myself have never been a zealous witness, yet I am still celibate. I guess the alternative never seemed worth chasing.....

Jesse - 06/29/99 01:40:56

Well well well, I thought that I have seen it all. Anyways, I have been living an active "gay" lifestyle for about 5 years, after being disfellowshipped. But I live with my beliefs everyday. I loved being a witness, and was very involved, following 2 g nerations of family. If I was not gay, I would still be pioneering, and maybe an Elder by now. But I made the decision to act on my feelings.....what a big sacrifice I have made.

Roger - 06/28/99 14:05:25

Maybe you listen to all of the suggestions from the society, but I never use any copyrighted material, just the bible and my experience. The truth of my life I express here and if some do not like it they can leave. If Jehovah does not like it I want him o tell me so. Until then this site will remain, a little hope for those in a really bad situation.

Bro - 06/23/99 22:11:40

The 'Watchtower and Awake articles about homosexuality' website has been shut down. Go there to find out the full story of why.

DOUG - 06/22/99 19:12:40

Are there any other active JW's out there under 30 that have served at Bethel? I live in Seattle and would like to talk to someone that may have been in a similar situation.

Roger - 06/17/99 04:57:05

Hi Scott: Your E-mail address is not working properly, please send me a message whenever you want. I would be more than happy to read whatever you wish to write.

Scott - 06/17/99 04:53:57

Hi I am a gay brother in Florida. I have never met another like me and have yet to have sex. I am 21 now and am very confused on what to do. Please help me if possible, I really need someone to talk to. I do not trust the elders.....

Roger - 05/17/99 23:42:28

Great job, anonymous! If you want I will link to your site, I think we can all benefit from the facts.

anonymous - 05/14/99 00:13:05

All the articles ever published by the society about homosexuality....all the scriptures from the bible....all the mentions in 'Watching the World'....all the mentions in other articles and books. In fact probably everything the society has ever written bout homosexuality is all online at my site. The site is called ''Watchtower' and 'Awake!' articles about homosexuality'. Why not pay a visit?

Roger - 05/07/99 13:51:17

I agree, it is easy to hide your homosexual desires and experiences from others. However, that secrecy does tend to keep us brothers apart. The internet may help us break that barrier!

Mike - 05/01/99 12:20:30

I must admit, being an active JW and being gay is easy at times. I hug all my "brother friends" and tell everyone openly how much I think they are good looking. The good thing one believes I am serious. Sure, I never say "I am gay".... The one go d thing about being a JW and gay is that two single brothers could live secretly gay...and no one would suspect anything at all. The only problem is....finding other gay JWs. I know stacks of straights who sleep around...but gay JWs is really n the closet. This is in Australia by the way....

- 04/28/99 21:03:32

thankx for the help your giving to fellow jw jean :) quebec city canada

Roger - 03/28/99 16:03:56

Thank you for the encouragement. It is great to finally have someone who understands post a meaningful message. If I can help in any way please let me know.

Mark - 03/28/99 15:12:15

Hi there ! I don't mind putting my mail address ! I just wanted to say thanks for putting this site up ! And I think it's disgusting that witnesses come in here and judge us when we are trying to do our best in this system with whatever imperfections we h ve ! They've no idea how difficult it is to cope and sometimes the only way you can is by getting support others on the net ! I've met some wonderful witnesses over the past few weeks who are gay or unsure and all of us are trying to do our best in the tr th! Yeah, we may not all succeed all the time but who does ?!? There's things that we're all ashamed of or hide from people ! But I think it's incredibly good of you to come out and put this web site up for us ! Yey for you !

Roger - 03/11/99 06:29:43

Well it has been three months and no visitors. I guess I am the only gay witness : - )Well, at least there are no negative posts............

JQ publisher - 12/22/98 16:49:51

If you think that you can reason away the scriptures you will be very sorry in the end. Jehovah knows what you do and what you think. Repent now and let his power save you!!

Don - 12/14/98 06:27:33

There is no such thing as a gay witness. Either you are a witness or you are gay.

George - 11/10/98 18:41:20

Finally a place for current JW'S who are gay!!

Roger - 8/20/98 08:27:20

Well after a year on tripod I have moved here. Let's see if I get any visitors.........

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