Amputee-devotee picturepage.

by Cheese (and his mouse)

Please read: This page contians pictures of women with one or more amputations,
or other physical disabilities, either real, modelled, or simulated by image processing known
as electronic surgery ("ES")
A lot has been said about the existence of these pictures and the ones who like to see them.
For the time being I prefer not to take part in that discussion.

But don't say I didn't warn you!

    Page 1      (02-02-1999)        various arm amputees
    Page 2      (02-02-1999)        various arm amputees & Brenda
    Page 3      (18-02-1999)        H5248, H0402 & some various arm amputees
    Page 4      (14-03-1999)        some double, triple and quad amputees
    Page 5      (14-08-1999)        A SAE and a DAE
    Page 6      (14-08-1999)        Some wheelchair users

As you've probably noticed by now, I do not show any SAK pics here,
because there are zillions of those around on other web sites.
And I prefer SAE, SBE, double arm amputee and arm+leg amputee pics.
Please post them to me or the ABPD newsgroup if you have any.

All pictures are shown as found by me on the Net over the last few months.
I do not know the origin and/or maker of most of these pictures, and if anybody
feels that his rights are violated in some way, please let me know.
Reactions to this page are always wellcome, as are new pics, at: