DragonPink's Virtual Home

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! "In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful."

Assalamu Alaikum!

My name is Maryam, if you've ever chatted in TalkCity with DragonPink, Mokey_Fraggle, or KooKyOPS then we've already met. I would like to welcome you all to my website. Sit back, grab a coke and some munchies and explore. I have several things to share with you on these pages. There is a pretty up to date version of my life story, a description of my journey of spiritual discovery, and much more.
I hope you like this site. please sign my guest book and let me know what you think, what you'd like to see, and please report any typos you find, after all, I'm only human and prone to mistakes.
I have not updated this page in FOREVER. so bear with my and pardon my dust as i update information that is inaccurate. like my name, since my conversion to Islam I have adopted the name Maryam.
These are some internet quizzes I've taken.

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