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Support the GLBT Center

Support the GLBT Center at Truman State University

Greetings! If you would like to show your support for Prism and its quest to get a Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered (GLBT) center on the campus of Truman State University you can either draft a letter yourself and email OR snail mail it to him OR you can copy the letter below and send it to him email OR snail mail.

President Jack Magruder
McClain Hall
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO. 63501

Sample Letter:

Dear President Magruder,

I support the creation of a Lesbian, Transgendered, Bisexual, Gay Resource Center at Truman State University. Truman's admirable pursuit of a liberal educational enviornment cannot be complete until its students have the opportunity to learn as much about any subject as they need, and until all of Truman's students have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment without prejudice and harrassment. Issues of gender, sex, and sexuality are central to many concepts Truman students endeavor to understand. Institutions like homophobia, heterocentrism, and sexism prevent adequate consideration of these topics without an institutional framework to stimulate productive issues, well rounded discourse is impossible. That is why I ask you to please support Truman's mission of an education well rounded by diversity by supporting the creation of this important resource for our campus.
