Remeber Matthew

Remember Matthew

Matthew Shepard

Prism would like to bring attention to the fact that there are still hate crimes that are occuring in this country and that in some states there are no laws that provide protection for those that are hurt by their fellow human beings because of race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, or sexual preference. It is for this reason that the people of the United States are reacting in shock and anger to the killing of Matthew Shepard, a college student in Wyoming whose only offense in life was that he was a gay man. It is important to remember him, not only because he has died from the wounds that he suffered, but because his name has become a rallying cry for those that would try and pass hate crimes laws. It is one of the great mysteries of our government that it is only when there is a tragedy that deeply shocks the nation that any preventive laws are passed on the subject that had been previously looked down upon as inconsequential.

Prism would like to say that we express our sorrow and sympathy to the family of Matthew Shepard. We would also like to say that let "Remeber Matthew" Become the rallying cry not only to stop hate crimes but to stop the insanity that has engulfed our nation in regards to how homosexual, bisexual, and transgendered people are looked upon. Below are only a few of the links that will take you to sites that honor and support Matthew Shepard and the cause to stop hate crimes. Please visit these sites and show your support.

Matthew Shepard Resources OnlineThis site is a rallying point for those that wish to put together vigils for Matthew Shepard and there is information here on how to support the movement to get hate crimes legislation passed.

Human Rights Campaign site with news articles and links sites where you can show support for the hate crimes bill.

Matthew Shepard This is a site that has the story of what happened to Matthew and why the webmaster at this site identifies with Matthew and what happened to him. Too often there are too many stories that are like Matthew's.

A Webpage Dedicated to Matthew Shepard This a webpage that is put together by most probably a friend or relative of Matthew. It is well put together and does him honor (at least in my opinion). Also it has links to tons of sites where you can find out more about him and how you can support the movement to stop hate crimes.

Finally I, the Webmistress for Prism, would like to say that if President Clinton says that it takes a village to raise a child, I say it takes a nation to end hate.