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Anita Briant Gay Recruitment Booth

Hey! Great idea Anita! Thanks!

One of the things the great Harvey Milk said about Anita is that she was the best thing to happen to the gay community. Thanks to her opposition to gay rights she put the word "GAY" on every headline across the country.

Reasons to turn queer...

  1. No suprise children. Turkey baster babys are Ok, but they are planned.
  2. Don't have to pay for diapers, unless you are really kinky.
  3. Better chances of getting laid as you get older, fatter and more hairy.
  4. Can STILL fight with your lovers over Money, Drugs, and Sex.
  5. Gay people throw parties that straight people only HEAR about.
  6. Can usually find a good hairdresser, flower arranger, interior decorator, or computer programmer.
  7. Your drug stash does not have to be kept above a certan height.
  8. You can cook with the handles out.
  9. You get the inside scoop on what will be fashionable next month.
Gay Pages