Welcome to my Guestbook!

Matt Vincent - 01/26/00 22:56:42
My Email:Tdeathstar@aol.com

Wow... lots of great stuff and links... We met 1/25/00, during that crazy, right-winger's quazi-sermon-comedy show. Sorry, I wasn't sure how to put that in words.

flemal Julien - 11/10/99 14:47:54
My Email:flemal.julien@pandora.be

What you mean with this?? I read it in a guestbook Why didn't we buy Cuba when we had the chance (c. 1850)? Fool thing *not* to do

matthew - 03/19/99 06:13:34
My Email:deimos1969@aol.com

very hip site!...stop by any time at the GNC, and i'll give you my discount until i leave there, which will be on april 9. thoroughly enjoyed the conversation the other day, and would love to pick your brain some more. people like you with your spin of t e world are hard to find.

Sally - 02/18/99 02:29:40

Interesting pages. (What no bio?) The resume is impressive but only if you are job hunting.

jean mundo - 12/22/98 01:11:37
My Email:jeanmundo@excite.com

Hi - Titania - was browsing through zoe's guestbook - u caught my attention 'cos i am 53 m2f transsexual - unrealised - married kids house - the full catastrophe - i dont mean that really, i love my family but am responsible for them & cannot just change o suit my needs w/out considering their needs. ho hum - how boring - realy just wanted to say good luck - guess some envy and admiration for all u who hv th crg of yr gender prefs, u seem to be one of those of enormous nous so poor little me prob not to yr standards of intellectual wizardry but would like to strike some acquaitance w u. in any event love to u luck to u & a wonderfull holiday season love jean

Samantha - 10/27/98 17:41:09
My Email:SamanthaM@cableinet.co.uk

I can only recomend that you take some time out to learn HTML. (Is that hit-counter faked?)

The Rev. Thomas M. Hartley - 10/22/98 09:30:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tomhartley
My Email:rlripley@yahoo.com

My my, what a big brain you have, dear sir or madam! This site will be a truly Ozymandian thing of beauty and terror once it gets started; I can feel it in my bones! (And lookit all them fucking hits she has already! I'm sooooo jealous!)

TC - 09/29/98 04:55:58
My Email:tatianac@u.arizona.edu


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