The joint committee report is a mere scrap of paper.

The standard procedure is that a senate committee report is drafted by the secretariat upon instructions of the Chairman. Then it is circulated among the members of the committee for comment. A final draft is then circulated which should be approved and signed by a majority of the members of the committee. Any member/s who disapprove/s the findings and/or recommendation of the committee report may draft his/her own dissenting or separate opinion.

In the third week of May, we received notice from the senate secretariat that there would be a meeting to discuss the parameters of the joint com report. The conference was postponed and never took place. The discussion would have been focused on the technical details of the report only.

TREACHERY!!! The draft joint com report should have been circulated first for the comment and approval of ALL their members before it was filed in the Bills and Index Division of the senate. It should also be signed by a majority of all the members, that is, 12 out of 23 members. Dr Loi Estrada is not a member of any of the 3 committees.

What they did was force the Bills and Index Division to receive the draft with the signatures of only 10 senators. All the other senators have not even seen the draft yet. Worse, while they were forcing the receipt of the joint com report, they were already distributing copies to the media.

They forced and short-circuited the process so that they could use that as an excuse... that the senate revamp took place because these 12 senators would like to cover up for SEN lACSON

Further, they released a video where a senior legal officer of the atty general's office of the US was quoted confirming the Arthur accounts. It was good in the sense that it squarely established that there were no millions in US dollars. At most, 1 account held US $200,000 only. It did not mention though that the account was for Orient Freight, a joint venture company of the wife which did not even take off. It also did not mention that Arthur's account/s were all closed.

Now, we will question the Feds why they issued such a statement because it violated MLAT protocol. I guess by now the Feds and State Dept are mad about the release of the video tape already. I am sure it was not officially released.