Great Inventors of the Modern Era



Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the movable type printing press, the invention that spawned the modern age
A page from the Gutenberg Bible. Boy, they don't make 'em like they used to!
Thomas Edison: 1,093 inventions, including the light bulb
Samuel Morse, Perfected the electric telegraph, invented the Morse code
James Watt: inventor of the practical steam engine
Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the lightning rod
Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin
Eli Whitney's cotton gin
Robert Fulton, inventor of the steam ship
Robert Fulton's steamship, the Clermont
George Stephenson, inventor of the steam locomotive
Stephenson's invention, the steam locomotive
Cyrus McCormick, inventor of the mechanical reaper
McCormick's mechanical reaper
Samuel Colt, inventor of the revolver
Ummm . . . Samuel Colt's invention. Sorry if you think this picture will corrupt young children.
Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine
Howe's invention, the sewing machine
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone
Bell's invention. An early telephone
Karl Benz, inventor of the automobile
Benz's first automobile
Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the radio
Marconi's invention, an early radio
Henry Ford, inventor of the affordable, mass-produced automobile
Ford's hottest seller, the Model T