McGonagall Animations

I have attempted to bring some of McGonagall back to life in the form of animations. True, they are "bad" animations by professional standards, but a little thing like that would have never stopped McGonagall. Please note that the files are all fairly large, so you may have to wait a while if you are on a slower internet connection. You may want to save them to your computer first by right-clicking, then selecting "save target as."

Note: You will need the free FLASH 8 in order to view these files. Download from

Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay (1 megabyte)
McGonagall's satiric masterpiece in which he actually foreshadows the collapse of the bridge, which collapsed, killing more than seventy passengers, less than a year ofter it had been built.

McGonagall in Court (0.5 megabytes)
The following animation is taken directly from a transcript of McGonagall's court appearance. It appeared in the Dundee Weekly News in 1880.


The Divine Inspiration (1.4 megabytes)
In his autobiography, McGonagall recounts in vivid detail how he "discovered himself to be a poet."

The Christmas Goose (0.8 megabytes)
The heartwarming tale of Mr. Smiggs, who, not unlike a certain Mr. Scrooge, has a life-changing revelation. However, the ending to McGonagall's carol is definitely more realistic than Dickens'. You may also want to read my essay on this fascinating poem.

The Moon (0.5 megabytes)
A touching ode by the dewy eyed poet.

The Famous Tay Whale (0.9 megabytes)
The true story of a "mighty monster whale" that swam up the Tay and was harpooned by Dundee's whalers, only to escape after being mortally wounded. When spotted by a Gourdon fishing boat a week later, the corpse was towed ashore, sold and returned to Dundee where it was bought up by a showman known as "Greasy" Johnny Wood.