
Name: Cloud Strife
Age: 21
Weapon: Sword
Height: 173cm
Birthdate: August 19
Birthplace: Nibelheim

The main character of FF7. Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job. After being hired by AVALANCHE he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet. His massive sword can cut almost anything in two. The story line of Final Fantasy 7 revolves around Cloud. In fact, most of the time you're required to have him in your party because he plays a key role in most of the events in the game. Over time Cloud proves to be a great asset, because his powerful sword technique is nearly unmatched. You'll want to keep Cloud in your front line most of the time to take full advantage of his sword technique. His magic skills are solid, but don't overload him with materia.