John Madden

Name: John Madden
Height: 5/11
Weight: 185
Position: Left, right, center (He's the man. What else can be said.)
Notes: John probably has the worst mouth in hockey. He swears alot!
John played for the University of Michigan with former Rat and present New Jersey Devil Brendan Morrison.
While playing in Michigan, John was generally over-shadowed by Brendan, as he was his first year with the Rats. John is one of those guys who are very humble outwardly, he is always saying things like "I really didn't think that I was that good.", yet he pushes himself to be the best. He has very high standards for himself and his play. He often blames himself when a goal is scored by the opposing team and he is on the ice, even if he was nowhere near the play. He is an excellent player offensively putting up some unignorable numbers in the 1998-99 season and defensively he is at time astounishing. His forte in College was short-handed goals, where he scored a career total of twenty-one in four seasons. John brought that forte with him to the Rats scoring quite a few short-handed goals since joining the New Jersey organization. John does not stick out, yet, he is one of those players that we will not soon forget. He has consistently been nothing less than a great player and person. He is one of the nicest guys to have come to the team, always pleasent, kind and curtious, to his fans, although his vocabulary on the ice needs some work. He has truely been a joy to watch on the ice. We will miss him greatly when he goes to New Jersey.
While in Michigan, John got his first golf lesson. He went out with a few of his house/team-mates figuring he would try it. Try it he did. Before the end of the game, he spouted off an un-numerable amount of curse words and had two golf balls (unintentionally) and two clubs (intentionally) in the middle of the lake, and three friends hiding in the golf cart trying to hide their hysterical laughter. John swore off golf at that point but picked it up again soon after. One of his friends recalled that before they went to play he thought "John will go nuts", he said "he doesn't have the patience." He didn't. He got mad about hitting the first ball into the water, went nuts and lofted his six iron into the lake with a splash. When his second ball went into the water, he had the same reaction and the seven iron landed in the middle of the lake.
John's parents split up when he was young and he did not see his father for about eight years after that. His mother took up two jobs and his older sisters took care of him from that point until he was fifteen which is when he joined a junior team in Canada and left home for good. From there, he says, the teams he has played with have become his familly.
Personal status: Married (Lauren)
Vehicle driven: Green, Dodge Darango and a motorcycle.
Past-times: Golf and fishing
Summer residence: He has a home in Conneticut on a lake.

John Madden in Michigan Uniform from the Michigan Daily Online
Madds with the NCAA tournoment cup.
Madd Dog scores a goal
John Madden vs. UMaine
John's 1997-98 card.

©1996 The Michigan Daily

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