Home > ATXF Unofficial > Limerick Contest 1999-2000

"The X Files" Limerick Contest

Limerick index

  1. Episode limericks
  2. Character limericks
  3. Fan Comment limericks
  4. ATXF limericks

Contest rules

Episode limericks

Character limericks

Subject: Dana Scully
Author: Sawa

There once was a red-haired pathologist
By nature, not an apologist
Who said, "I've been stalked,
Kidnapped, lied to and mocked,
But at least I'm not a proctologist."

Fan comment limericks

ATXF limericks

Subject: ajf
Author: Molokov

An old-feeling youth named ajf
had nothing that rhymed with his name
This screwed up the poem
So there was nothing that Mol
could do to make it scan well at all

Subject: ajf, mostly
Author: lou

There once was a laddie named Adam
Who'd disdain for hugging surely saddened
that chickie called Lou
whos hugs surely do
make the receptor get happy and gladden

Subject: jj
Author: Molokov

There was a young lass named jj
Who had a really shit dayday
Her day it sucked
So she said "Get F---ed
"I'm going out to playplay"

Subject: lou
Author: Molokov

A lovely young lady named lou
Had nought idea what to do
the idea of speedos
she didn't needo
so she joined the no speedo crew

Subject: lou
Author: ajf

While Lou was eating an orange...

Subject: Ngaire Mayo
Author: Molokov

There was a young lass named Ngaire
Who had hair that could be red and Fgaire
Or blonde, or even black
She's got back-to-back
Dyeing appointments in her dgaire

Subject: Rob Whyte
Author: Molokov

There once was a man named Rob
Who continually tried to fob
off a palm pilot
to whoever would buy-l-it
He'd convince them it was a decent job

Subject: Danny Sag
Author: RobWhyte

There once was a fellow name Dan
Of whom I am not such a fan
since he started to diss
the Palm Pilot, and this
made me feel quite annoyed, my good man.

Title: A Trivial Limerick
Author: Christopher "chevron" Stuart

To prevent a timing disaster,
Chev asked quiz questions faster,
The librarian - Chris-Ook,
Well, she re-wrote the book,
And was delared the trivia master.

Home > ATXF Unofficial > Limerick Contest 1999-2000