World Cinema: Films
"It's a marvelous movie."
Pauline Kael
A Man Escaped

Un Condamné à Mort s'est échappé (1956)
Société Nouvelle des Établissements Gaumont / Nouvelles Éditions des Films.
B&W, 102 minutes.

The true story of a French Resistance worker's escape form imprisonment by the Gestapo in the Montluc fortress at Lyon was the inspiration for A Man Escaped: "The story is true. I give it as it is, without embellishment," claimed Bresson. However, by pushing through the authentic details into a more transcendental realm, Bresson in fact subtly transforms the simple story into a metaphysical meditation. This he does by introducing an unseen, transcendental force which helps the young man in simple but crucial ways: "I would like to show this miracle: an invisible hand over the prison, directing what happens and causing such a thing to succeed for one and not another...the film is a mystery...The Spirit breathes where it will." The kind of film which inspires awe, even in an atheist.

Nigel Floyd

François Leterrier in A MAN ESCAPED (JPG, 15 KB)
François Leterrier in
A Man Escaped

French publicity poster for A MAN ESCAPED (JPG, 14 KB)
French publicity poster
for A Man Escaped


Direction: Robert Bresson.

Screenplay: Robert Bresson, based on an article by André Devigny.

Photography: Léonce-Henry Burel.

Editing: Raymond Lamy.

Music: The "Kyrie" from Mozart's Mass in C Minor.


François Leterrier.......................................Lt. Fontaine

Charles Le Clainche.................................François Jost

Roland Leiris, the Pastor

Maurice Beerblock.........................................Blanchet

Jack Ertaud.......................................................Orsini

Roger Tréherne....................................................Terry

Jean-Paul Delhumeau......................................Hébrard

François Leterrier and Charles Le Clainche in A MAN ESCAPED (JPG, 17 KB)
François Leterrier and Charles
Le Clainche in A Man Escaped

"An unusual film that
resembles no other."
André Bazin

Un Condamné à Mort s'est échappé by François Truffaut
Directors: Robert Bresson

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This page was last updated on 14 November 1998.