




How do I say goodbye to what we had, the good times that made us laugh outweigh the bad, I thought we'd get to see forever, but forever's gone away - it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

I'm not a child anymore. I'm tall enough to reach for the stars. I'm old enough to love you from afar. Too trusting? Yes. But then, women usually are.

Love can sometimes be magic, but magic can sometimes be just an illusion

So what do you think will happen when this all ends, will we be able to go back to just being friends?

I don't need to be wanted, I want to be needed.

He was my north, my south, my east, my west. My working week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song. I thought that love would last forever--I was wrong.

I want to scream. I want to shout. I want to have faith and never doubt. I want to bend, I want to break, to sleep and never wake. To break down walls and to escape, be alone and hide my face. I want to feel, I want to touch. I want to stop wanting you so much.

Love me or leave me, One of the two, Don’t try to deceive me, Or away with you.

Every time I look into your eyes, I'm helplessly aware that the someone I've been searching for is right there

Don't you hate it when you cry over the things you can't have? When you were a child, it was the expensive toy, now it's that special boy-Lisa Gilbert (Thanks for the help Stephanie!)

I wish I could find a man that wouldn't play with my heart and use me, screw with my emotions and abuse me, I wish I could find a guy that really cared, one who loved me for me, not for the woman he wished me to be

And through the tears, we'll smile when we recall, for just one moment we had it all

You say you've changed and you've matured
Somehow I highly doubt it
Because you still think love
is just a word

Listen to your heart, not your hormones!

*It's hard to lose someone you love, to finally have to say goodbye. You try to be strong but the pain keeps holding on and all that you can do is cry. Deep within your heart you know it's time to move on, when the fairytale that you once knew is gone.*

Every time I fall in love, I fall for someone new. But I always seem to find myself falling back to you.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll be right here waiting for you, whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I'll be right here, waiting for you

Yeah, I'm alone, but I don't need happy couples walking in the hall to remind me.

"Do you miss him at the most happy and fulfilling times in your life?? Just because you miss him when the world is quiet and you feel alone doesn't mean you love will miss anyone when you are lonely....its when your life is going great and you still feel the ache in your heart because he isn't there to see the genuine smile on your face and happiness in your life."

Sticks and stones are hard on bones,
Aimed with angry art.
Words can sting like anything,
but Silence breaks the heart

How can you tell me that you love me, when I know and you know that you don't. But like a fool, I try to ignore it and say "I love you too". What are we doing? It's like we are actors in a play. When will this play get to scene 2

Once I let someone borrow something and they returned it broken. I wouldn't have minded if it hadn't been my heart.

For a moment all the world was right, how could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye? And now, I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end, the way it all would go.

You won't see me surrender, you won't see me confess cause you've left me w/ nothing, but I've worked w/ less.

As much as I love you, I have to say goodbye, for what's the sense in staying if neither of us wants to try?

"Love is like ice cream, it can be very sweet, but sometimes its bound to melt"

"Honesty, is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue, Honesty is hardly ever heard, but mostly what I need from you."

"Everybody, everything I've known, never taught me how to stand up on my own, had to learn it from the one who let me go, now I walk alone, yes I walk alone." -Oleander

"I know that I should get on with my life, but a life lived without you could never be right, as long as the stars shine down from the heavens, long as the rivers run to the sea, I'll never get over you getting over me." -Expose

)And I bless the day I met you
¸.·´And I thank God that He let you
(Lay beside me for a moment
`·.¸That lives on
)And the good news is I'm better
¸.·´For the times we spent together
(¸.·*·.¸¸.·´¨`»And the bad news is...You're Gone.

Hearts are often broken when words are unspoken.

Whoever said there are plenty of fish in the sea, was lying. Sometimes, there's only one fish, trust me.

He's the one I call in the middle of the night
He makes everything right
Holds me when I start to cry
Makes me smile with just his eyes
Shares my hopes, dreams, and fears
Wipes away all my fears
Loves me without regret
I just haven't found him yet

°·:*:·I know that love hurts, and I know it for a fact
Cause sometimes you give and never get back·:*:·°

my feelings for you I can't keep inside
my thoughts and dreams I can no longer hide
I want to tell you how much I care for you
but I'm scared of what might happen and of what is true
scared of loving and of letting someone love me
us, together, why can't we just be
scared of hurting our friendship now that we understand
because last time you wanted to walk with her hand in hand
but now things are different and I still want to be with you
however I'm scared and I don't know what to do
don't know whether to listen to my head or follow my heart
don't know what to say or even where to start
so scared of love of feelings and such
why's it gotta be like this when I want you so much

"I never knew what love was 'til I met you. I never saw anything as amazing 'til I saw you. I never wanted anything more 'til I wanted you. I never missed anything more 'til I lost you."

~* If it's true that love begins with a smile grows with and kiss and ends with a tear......why did we get so out of tears came before your kiss that I'm still waiting for.

I wanna be
somebody's somebody
someone's someone
some sweet lovers lover
I wanna be that one
someone faithful to someone faithful
someone kind to someone kind
somebody to somebody
who loves me.

*How could I have been so blind and not seen that you only wanted to be friends? Oh yes, I know why. Because you acted as if we were more than friends. You built me up only to let me fall, and not help me back up again, and here I am on the ground, crying over what could have been.*

The saddest part isn't that with each passing day I feel like I need you more, but it's the fact that you don't need me at all. -Ines Lopes

"A flower without a stem, is beauty waiting to die. A heart without love, is a tear waiting to cry."

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
~Maya Angelou~
"Still I Rise"

"If you could look at me once more, with all that you felt before, if you and I could disappear into the past, and find that love we knew, I'd never take my eyes off of you"

Thank you for breaking my heart as gently as you could.

*Sometimes I'll look at you and wonder if you ever look at me. Sometimes I'll think of you and wonder if you ever think of me. Sometimes I'll remember how I fell in love with you and wonder if you ever really loved me.

*And I look again towards the sky as the raindrops mix with the tears I cry.

You never quite realize how much you love and need him until the very moment you realize he's slipping away.-Lisa Gilbert

"I'll have another chance, I'll find another guy, I'll see another day and I'll build another world, and I'll find another life just like you told me to, I'll find another love...but there will never be...another you..."

When my knees are aching,
and my heart is weak.
It's just a love I intend to seek.

As I move about,
without a clue.
I'm wishing for a love,
so very true.
By K.M.

When you're looking at me,
I can only see,
a future of happiness and destiny.

When I look in your eyes,
I can only cry.
Cause it's you I dream for,
every day and night!

I'm afraid to fall in love, afraid to love so fast.
Cause every time I fall in love, it never seems to last.

No more words, no more lies. Let it go, before it dies.
Hear the words, feel the pain. Last of love, dies in vain.
Sweet in start, bitter in end. Hearts will break, never bend.

I won't hang around forever that's not what I'm about. I won't stand in line to fall behind that's the kind of love I can live without- Pancho's Lament

In every life there is one great love, and one unforgettable heartbreak.

If you love something set it free...if it comes back, it was meant to be. If it continues to fly, let it soar, have faith that God has something better in store.

Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the times we've had together will always be with me.

I've been searching like everybody else, but I can't see anything different about myself. Sometimes I'm an angel and sometimes I'm cruel, but when it comes to love I'm just another fool.

"I fell head over heels in love-and skinned my knees"

"I give her sadness and the gift of pain, a new moon madness and a love of rain." -Dorothy Parker.

"But there is no joy
for no trace of him is left
and it is then
that you cry."

I don't care what consequence it brings, I have been a fool for lesser things.

>>~!~Far away, long ago. Glowing dim as an ember. Things my heart used to know. Things it yearns to remember.

I die inside because I've finally realized the fact that the time arrived when you don't want me back. But you're the one who did the heartbreaking, so why do I do all the heart aching? I guess because I'm the only one of us who can see that I never meant to you what you mean to me.

Somebody tell my head to tell my heart that I'm better off without you.

Every time I get my hopes up, they always seem to fall. But what could have been is better than what could never be at all. ~Tiffany

I knew that this moment would come in time
That I'd have to let go and watch you fly
I know you're coming back so why am I dying inside? Are you searching for words that you can't find? Trying to hide your emotions but eyes don't lie. Guess there's no easy way to say goodbye

~"It's hard to find the good in someone when you've already found the best in someone else."

I'm moving on even though I know I shouldn't, but the worst part is knowing that since I've moved on, there is no turning back...

Some have forever, some just a day. Love isn't something you measure.
Nothing's forever... forever is a lie. All we have is between hello and good-bye.

Mystification breaks my concentration
to my realization you love was just an imitation.
An imitation of the way I wanted our relation,
that's what led to our disintegration...

In dreams you can lose your heartache. –Cinderella

"Never say forever, cuz forever isn't real. Forever is what you think, forever is what you feel. So if you say forever, promise that you'll try. But never say forever if forever is a lie."

Yesterday's gone and that may be true, but you know that I'll never get over you*

What you don't know is that when you say you will call, I will wait by the phone until you do, and when you don't, that hurts the worst of all.

Stop playin' with my head-you say you like me, but flirt with her instead!

I asked you to love me and you simply wouldn't, I asked you to hold me and you absolutely couldn't, I asked you to talk to me and you said you shouldn't. You never had time for me, until it came time to break my heart!

Don't be too good, I will miss you. Don't be too caring, I might like you. Don't be too sweet, I could slip and fall. Don't let me love you, if you won't love me after all...

Sometimes you just have to hold your head up high, try not to cry, and say goodbye.

*He'd only break your heart you know? Rip it up in pieces, and watch you as you cry. He's done it before, you know? Played with girls' emotions and laughed at them as they die. He's no good for you, you know? Every look in his eye, every touch of his lips, are just a lie. He's not the one for you, you know? But even though, you're heart still can't say goodbye* Written by Ashley C.

*I wish I could tell you how I feel because I am so scared this may be my last chance*

"You told me you loved me, I gave you my heart. Little did I know you'd tear it apart. You grasped my breath with that one look and with that breath, my heart you took."

*I know you no longer think about me....I'm not even in your thoughts....but I'd just like to I still in your dreams?*Andrea**

I cry for the times that you were almost mine,
I cry for the memories I've left behind,
I cry for the pain, the lost, the old, the new...
I cry for the times I thought I had you*

"Forget the time that went so fast, forget the love that now has passed, forget he said he'd leave you never, for now he is gone forever."

"What makes you stay, when your world falls apart, what makes you try one more time, when it's not in your heart, at the end of your rope, when you can't find any hope, you still look at him and say, I just can't walk away, tell me what makes you stay? "

True love stays in the heart forever, if you don't love me now you never loved me then

Falling in love with your friend is like going into a can test the water and decide its too cold, or you can just jump in. the only problem with jumping in is you may never get fully dry. I jumped right in, and you threw me out...and you didn't even hand me a towel-CaraBelle

I didn't even realize how much I loved you until you said goodbye, walked away, and didn't even look back.

When you lose someone you love, you never get over it, you just get used to it.

~"Please don't say I love you, those words touch me too deeply" ~Jewel

~"Don't play hard to get, you might miss something."-SHAG, the movie

~"As we go our separate ways, I will never forget these days; ALL the good times that we've shared, and all the memories that showed we cared. But now it's time to split apart, and hold these memories in our hearts."

~*¤*~ I Think I Wanted Something Between Us Because I Thought That Maybe You Could Be The One Person Who Could Fill My Need To Feel Loved, Cared For, And Wanted. Stupid Of Me To Have Been So Blind, Because You See, You Only Broke My Heart </3 ~*¤*~ Jill~

"don't tell someone you love them then change your mind. love isn't like picking out what movie you want to watch."

*Sometimes there is no next time, no time outs, no second chances, sometimes it's now or never

*A night in your arms is all that I ask
A simple price to pay and an easy task
Listen to my heart as I plead
Your touch is all I need-Lisa Gilbert*

*Never will I forget the time spent with you. For I will always find you
in my heart, as I hope you will always find me in yours.*

*The magic of our first love was the ignorance that it would never end.*

*You can love me for many reasons, this I know is true, but don't return
the words just because I love you*

*Goodnight Little Star, Maybe Tonight Is The Night My Wish Will Come True, Sleep Tight Little Star I'll Be Dreaming Along With You, & If I Wake Up Tomorrow & He Is Still Just My Friend, Then I'll See You Tomorrow Little Star, To Try This Wish again*


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