Ultimo Dragon

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Real Name - Yoshihiro Asai
Birthdate - 12/12/66
5'8" 183 lbs. - Nagoya, Japan

Aliases - Asai, Yoshihiro Asai, Saigon Dragon, Ultimate Dragon

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - Kotetsu Yamamoto (New Japan Dojo)

Professional background - Mexico(`87), UWA(`8?-`90), Universal(`90-`91), CMLL(`91-`92), SWS, WAR(`93-`97), New Japan(`92-`97), AAA(`96), WCW(`96-`98), CMLL(`96-`97), Toryumon(`99-), CMLL(`02-)

Groups - none

Peak Years - `92-`98

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Dragon Sleeper
- Tiger Suplex
- Spinning Top Rope Rana

Favorites -
- Asai Moonsault
- La Magistral
- Headstand into Mulekick
- Mid Kick & Jump Back Kick Flurry
- Soccer Kick

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 10
science - 7
aerial - 8
power - 7
strikes - 9

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 8
selling - 9
bumping - 8
carrying - 7
heat - 8
legacy - 7

Serious Injuries - Elbow

Place in History - One of the most respected workers of the 90s, Ultimo Dragon did such remarkable things as a junior heavyweight that he is now very elite class with only a few others. One of those men was Tiger Mask, his idol, whom he followed closely stylistically by training in Japan and then going to Mexico. Like Gran Hamada before him, Yoshihiro Asai was deemed too small for puroresu Junior Heavyweights, but was an outstanding one amongst lucha libre Middle and Welterweights. He was so good that Hamada returned to Japan and brought in the first lucha group and Asai was the company's darling star. He would return to Mexico under a hood as El Ultimo Dragon! The Antonio Pena created gimmick made him more than just another young talent and Ultimo was just hitting his prime. During his peak he wrestled an almost inhuman schedule considering his style and the diversity of where he was wrestling: Mexico, Japan and the United States. In Mexico, he maintained his status as one of the best talents in the country. In Japan, Dragon was arguably the hottest talents around in period where the juniors were highly competitive. In the States, his unique style got him over with the fans and he was easily one of WCW's best wrestlers in the few years he was there. His holding of ten titles (thanks Jose) was an unprecidented feat and a testament to his worldliness. After a botched surgery, Ultimo stepped to the sidelines and concentrated on training students in Mexico and starting Toryumon in Japan. The first few classes were exceptional and Ultimo proved to be one of the most accomplished trainers in the world, however with his later classes a whole new style was invented and the kids were the masters of it. Living vicariously through his highly gifted pupils and having the possibility of a return looming, Ultimo Dragon still remains a force in the wrestling world despite a near five year abscence from active competition. One of the most gifted athletes to ever compete in a wrestling ring, who did more abroad than any other junior, Ultimo Dragon is certainly one of the greats.