Fire Lizards
You walk into the room and see a young girl sitting at a table with a green fire lizard on the table before her. There seems to be a piece of paper on the table as well, but not much else. You turn and see that the hearth is covered in sand. The young girl looks up and smiles at you.

"Hiya," she says cheerfully. "Here's where you get fire lizard eggs, interested?" You nod excitedly and she picks up the sheet of paper off the table and hands it to you. "These are the one's allowed to touch an egg unless they've read the rules."


1. You must provide a link back to my site. You may use one of the banners at the bottom of this page, or just a text link, but please, link back to me so others can impress fire lizards here too.

2. The fire lizard you get will be completely random, please don't go sifting through them until you get what you want.

3. There is now only one pose for fire lizards. I took out Yakima's pose because I like mine better and if you like her pose you can get it at Beach Shards Weyr.

4. Please fill out the form. I won't get mad if you don't but I decided that until my weyr gets going strong, I'd kinda like to know if anyone is taking my fire lizards!

5. If you are adopting for a Candidate at this Weyr please do not take more than 2 or 3 per Candidate. For Candidates at other weyrs, please respect their rules. If you're just adopting to have fire lizards on your pages then please limit it to 4. Also, please don't take more than one other words I don't want anyone to have a gold and a bronze on the same page, unless they belong to different people.

6. Lastly, these are my images. Please do not use them to adopt out on your own sites or edit them in any way without asking me first.

Okay, I now have some rare colors, but they're pretty hard to find. The rare colors are white, black, silver, and charcoal. Pretty basic, but it makes it more interesting. Rares can be either male or female, you pick.

That's it, not too painful is it?

You hand the sheet back to the girl and she smiles. "Ready to see the eggs? They're over there under the sand...go ahead and brush the sand away and you'll see them. Just pick one up and see if it hatches," she smiles again and giggles, then returns to playing with her fire lizards.

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