Rules for Impression
1. This should be MUST have a webpage. I will delete your form immediately if you do not have a webpage. Please Note: I hate to do this, but I have had my computer hijacked one too many times. I will no longer accept candidates who reside on an sphosting site. Sphosting doesn't regulate the pop-ups on their site and my work computer got hijacked when I was looking at a candidate page (for which I got in a huge amount of trouble) and my laptop has adware that I can't get rid of. Even if this were not an issue, the number of ads that pop up on an sphosting site is ridiculous and I don't like waiting ten minutes for them to stop appearing before I can read the candidate story. My sincerest apologies to those of you with sphosting sites, but Geocities is a much safer, less ad-intensive alternative if you still want to send candidates from a free site.

2. Your page should be child safe, no adult material, cuss words, etc.

3. There must be a persona (candidate) on your website. Please do not just give me a boring list of this person's stats. I want something interesting, like a story. If you want an example of what I'm looking for let me know. I'll send you to one of the pages I've created for Candidacy at another weyr.

4. Please don't have a page full of other pets. The dragon you apply for here should be the ONLY dragon that persona has. Pernese or non-Pernese pets are fine, just limit them in number to no more than three or four.

5. Please join the Tripaldi Group or keep tabs on the Nexus Forums. This is how I will be sending out hatchings and growths and other notifications so if you're not a member you won't recieve your dragon's stages, should your candidate impress.

6. I've thought about this and just to be sure you all read the rules I'm going to start asking that you put "George is a special needs dog." in the comments section of the form. I know it sounds really silly, but if you can remember that when you fill out the form I know you read the rules thoroughly. All forms without the above phrase will be deleted.

7. If you do not have a page up yet, but want to apply before you lose track of my site forever (I've done it, I understand!) go ahead and do so, but be sure you put the word "reservation" in the Candidate's Address box. I will hold a spot for you until all the others are filled, if I don't recieve an official address (completed or otherwise) by then your reservation will be deleted and the spot will be opened up to someone else.

8. I will ALWAYS have more Candidates than there are eggs. I think this adds a little more excitement to the hatching. There are no guarantees, but if you do not impress do not despair! It could only mean that the clutch was a green's and you deserved a gold or a bronze! Or it could just mean that the dragon personality that matches yours simply wasn't in that clutch. Your application will automatically be moved to the next clutch to hatch unless you tell me otherwise.

9. A note on "offworld" candidates. I have no problem with candidates from other places (Alskyr, Danach, etc.) as long as you somehow get them to Pern to be a candidate at my Weyr. (As my weyr is on Pern I don't think this is too unreasonable.) I don't care how you do it, you can have one of my Searchriders mistake a jump between and end up on your planet or come up with something else, just get them to Pern if you want them to be a candidate. And please, only human candidates, minor magic is okay, but they must be human. (I will accept elves as well, but please be creative in how well accepted they are when arriving on Pern.)

10. For those of you without advanced web-page building skills: As long as your color choices aren't painful to look at, all I'm really concerned with is the story. If you really want to make the page fantastic feel free to e-mail me! I am always willing to help anyone with HTML or finding/creating great backgrounds so that your page looks the best it can! (This applies to those of you who aren't sure your characters are good enough as well. Feel free to check it out with me. I'll tell you if they're not up to par for what you're going for and give you suggestions on how to fix it.)

11. Gold/Rare candidates: Please be aware that when you apply for a gold or a rare your page must be high quality and must also contain a long, detailed story. I do try to give you all what you apply for (though not everyone can impress a gold) but you've got to help me out. If you wish to apply for the gold or a rare that's fine, but your candidate's story should be longer than just one or two pages. If it isn't you will most likely not impress as you hoped to, so please keep this in mind when submitting candidates for a rare or gold.
If you think you can handle that head on to the Form.