In The Depths Of The Sea
by JEB <>

     I plunged into the sea on a bright day. I began to sink down, down, deeper, and deeper. Below me there was nothing but inky blackness, while above, the bright sun rapidly dimmed. Deeper and deeper I sunk, and the salty water that swished up past me grew almost icy. Nothing could be seen around me after a minute, and my hands could not even be seen. The water was pitch black and I was in a twilight ocean, when I hit the sea bottom.

     My eyes had to adjust to the ebon world I was now in. My vision improved just enough so that I could see my immediate surroundings. Hard, sharp shells cut into my feet, which were sinking into the sand at the ocean floor. I reached out to find something to hold on to for safety. A slimy, rough rock was the first thing my hands grasped. Its occupant, a huge moray eel, was disturbed by my touch, and it hissed, emerged from its lair and snapped at me, inches from my face, with rows of tiny, blade-like teeth, glistening even in the darkness I was in.

     Out of the corner of my eye, small, dark shapes moved. When I turned to look, they disappeared, but a large silhouette came into view. A great white shark appeared from the shadows! I hid behind the eel’s home so that it wouldn’t see me. It swam by without incident. Something cold, clammy, and slimy wrapped around my leg. A man-sized octopus had grabbed me! It was shaken off easily, for it had not gotten a good grip. I ran away as best I could, and found myself foolishly lost in the midnight sea. I continued walking, and the water grew colder still, and the light dimmed more, if that were possible.

     Now I was as deep as I could possibly be. There was no light at all now. A few small lights appeared in the distance. Frightened yet curious I walked to one of the tiny lights. When I did, I beheld the most nightmarish fish I had ever seen. It was as large as my head, and its mouth looked big enough to swallow my hand. A few of its giant teeth jutted from its jaw menacingly. A stalk hung out from its monstrous head, with a tiny bead of fluorescent light on the end. Behind it were more beads of light moving towards my position. Fortunately my time here was done, and I began to rise...