

The first point that must be made is the distinction between 'black' and 'dark' magic. Black or white magic is a description of intent. If you cast a spell with the intention of causing harm, it is black magic. Magic is a tool, and it is no more good or evil than is a hammer. Fire can be used to warm a home, or to destroy a home, it is the same with magic. Dark magic on the other hand is simply the yin side of magic, the shadowed side.

The purpose of this entry in the Grimoire is not, for now, to teach how to perform necromancy, but simply to define it. History and propaganda have created a terrible negative stigma. The fact is, there are a great many socially acceptable things which are mislabeled as something other than necromancy.

Necromancy may be used for evil, but so many anything else. It is a dark magic, but not black. Necromancy is any and all magics that relate to death, or the dead. Astral or psychic communication with any spirit entity which has ever been physically incarnated is necromancy. For any christians here, who must be rare, Jesus Christ in raising Lazarus performed necromancy.

Necromancy is also any spell that involves the sacrifice of life, even if it's a chicken. The use of bones or blood, or performing a ritual in a graveyard, are examples of necromancy.

Necromancy may be used to animate a soulless corpse as a tool, which is not in itself evil, or it may be used to kill, or curse. It may also be used to visit with lost loved ones or save those who have died before their time. The destruction of all the books that taught necromancy was a great tragedy, and sadly necromantic power enough to raise the dead has not existed on earth since the Burning Times.