
The design of this site changed in January 2002. It now houses photos, primarily. Photos included in prior versions of my site are still available, as are some new ones. As always, there are no guarantees regarding how often I add new pictures. I've retained the living room for your comfort.

"Reason is not sin but a deviating from that from which reason came is sin." --Isaac Pennington

Check out my web log.

Added March 2005

Added June 2004

Added April 2004

Added October 2003 - Photos of our yard

Northern Lights Parties - Fall/Winter 2002

Added December 2002

Added October 2002

Added June 2002

Added January 2002

Added July 2001 - Wedding Photos - June 16, 2001

Added January 2001 - Pictures from the year 2000

Added October 2000 - Waterskiing - August 24, 2000

Ultimate Frisbee - September 8, 2000

Added June 2000

Added February 2000 - hiking, my cat, etc.

Added June 1999

Couch and lamp furnished by Pabs Furniture Rentals. Table furnished by Antiques International.