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Scouter Deryck's Scouting Plus Homepage File:

"20 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Use Drugs"

(from The Peterborough-Lakefield Community Police)

1. Never eat together as a family

2. Never have family outings; weekly, monthly, or annually that they can look forward to as a family

3. Talk TO your children, not WITH them - never listen

4. Punish your children in public and never praise them or reinforce their positive behaviour

5. Always solve their problems and make their decisions for them

6. Leave the responsibilities of teaching morality and spiritual training to the schools and the Church

7. Never allow your children to experience cold, fatigue, adventure, injury, risk, challenge, experimentation, failure, frustration, or discouragement

8. Threaten your children (eg. "If you ever use drugs, I'll punish you!")

9. Always expect your children to get straight As in school in all subjects

10. Always pick up after them and don't encourage them to accept responsibility

11. Discourage your child from talking about their feelings

12. Be overprotective and don't teach your child the meaning of the word consequence

13. Make your child feel that their mistakes are always unacceptable

14. Put your child off when the ask "why", or tell them "Because I said so"

15. Lead your child to believe that you are perfect and infallible

16. Keep your atmosphere in a state of chaos

17. Never tell them how much you LOVE THEM and never discuss your feelings with them

18. Never hug them or display affection in front of them

19. Always expect the worst and never give them the benefit of the doubt

20. Don't ever trust them