More fun things
to ponder
These are pics and links to more of the fun stuff
I have found in the Web......

If you are interested in Treasure hunting......
check out these pages!!!!
(Some have links to the same pages, but all have lot's of great info)


Southwestern Treasures

Here is a good page...... This one belongs to Alan.
He is my favorite "NUT" I know I can always expect a smile, or a good
laugh when he is in the chat room. Or just a bright spot in a long day.
Thank you for everything Alan....... Hugs :o)
Along with the others listed on this page,  Metal Detcting is one of his favorite things to do....
besides sit in the corner & eat Fry Bread & Pecan Pie!!!

      BTW...... Hey Alan........... thanks for the dimes..  :o)

Metal Detecting with the XLT

This is Jim-CA's page, He has lots of very interesting information
related to Metal Detecting and other neat stuff! Jim is the quiet one.
A very sweet man.... I can still say that with a smile.....
But when he talks you need to listen. The man knows his stuff....
Just had to use this picutre for his spot.....!!! 88 Jim....  :o)



Jesse is from Alaska... He has lots of
      fun up there.. sun, rain... or...
Jesse is also a very smart guy... and funny too...
He is the second person I met on the Chat Room.

This is RC's page.

We call RC the BRAIN, He has a lot of great information in his head, but avidly admits to "KNOWING NOTHING!" When RC has stuff to share.... we listen!

Please go to the next page and check them out...... make sure you like to read about lots of very interesting things we do researching, and hunting for the "great find".

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