Commission of Government

Staggering under the weight of its accumulated debt, Newfoundland gave up self-government in 1934, and until Confederation in 1949 was ruled by an appointed Commission of Government.

Extract from the Report of the Royal Commission on Newfoundland, 1933

Commonly known as the Amulree report, it recommended the suspension of self-government and the creation of a Commission of Government to administer the affairs of Newfoundland and Labrador until self-government could, at the request of the people, be restored.

Address of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, 1933

Struggling under the weight of a heavy debt, the Government of Newfoundland requested that self-government be suspended until the 'Island' could again be self-supporting.

The Newfoundland Act, 1933

Authorized the suspension of the Letters Patent of 1876 and 1905 and provided for the finances of Newfoundland.

Letters Patent, 1934

Suspended Responsible Government and instituted a Commission of Government to administer Newfoundland.

Instructions to the Governor, 1934

Instructions to Admiral Sir David M. Anderson, Governor of Newfoundland at the institution of the Commission of Government.

Proclamation of the Governor, 1934

Proclaimed into force the Letters Patent of January 30th, 1934.

See also: Confederation