Yuen Ren Society

The Yuen Ren Society Treasury of Chinese Dialect Data

This publication, begun in 1995, is dedicated to Chinese dialect field-reports and other reference works on Chinese historical linguistics. A new 396-page volume is currently in press, with 9 reports by 14 scholars.

Information about how to purchase this volume will be posted here soon. If you can't wait, please let us know.

If you are considering submitting an article for publication, please see our stylesheet.

Short Chinese Dialect Reports 1

Edited by David Prager Branner
Series: The Treasury of Chinese Dialect Data, vol. III

ISBN 0-9723678-0-2
396 pages, printed on acid-free paper


  • Keith R. S. Dede and DU Xingzhou
    Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in the Xining Dialect
  • Warren A. BREWER
    Taiwanese Chromemes
  • ZHENG Guoqiao, YANG Quan, Jerold A. EDMONDSON, and GUI Mingchao
    Yangsan Hua of Luocheng County, Guangxi Province
  • Dongying WU and HUI Him Man
    Variation in Textual Dimensions Across Hong Kong and Mainland China Entertainment News Reporting
  • ANG5 Ui5 Jin5
    [Chang-hua Hsi-hu Dialect Ñ a dialect of the Nan'an accent in Central Taiwan] (in Chinese)
  • Wendan LI
    Phonological Categories and Sound Change: A description of contemporary Hangyang dialect
  • Richard VanNess SIMMONS
    A Gauchwen Village Dialect: Chyanshiyau Tsuen
  • W. South COBLIN
    Thoughts on the Formation of Early Guanhua Phonology
  • Jerry NORMAN
    A Glossary of the Lianduentsuen Dialect

Past publications (this section will be updated soon).

Future publications (this section will be updated soon).
