Hope you'll find something useful here.

Pavel Podvoiski <paulpp@iname.com>

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What's on site

Web Downloader - priceless tool for downloading online documentation.

In their infinite wisdom people created automatic partitioners... Presenting a DiskEdit! - havy weight tool to fight them back.

Xitami-2.4 - nice and easy http+ftp server. Here is precompiled Linux binaries and source code fixed compile errors.

Serial, VESA diagnostics.

This little Linux from tomsrtbt. I'v added sis900 and via-rhine drivers and made more efficient use of Lua in system commands. Lot of stuff (httpd included :) on single floppy. Educative too!

colorForth Wow! What a strange creature! Here you can download it for X-Window (Updated: fix mouse) and some documentation for off-line reading.

PC parallel port schematics. Having fun soldering ICs together? Connect them to PC!

About RS-232.

Mysterious PC timer. Many books talks about PC timer and gives nothing to programmer. There is extraction from a very good book.

Turbo-C 2.01(+patch) with compiler library source! You can't underestimate it's importance for device driver/ROM development. (2002-12-05: added intrinsic functions & va_arg)

Micro-C and related files. Startup source with some fixes and additional features. ROM startup code and utilities. Fix for little bug in VAL linker.

Installing Windows95 OSR2 US without Internet Explorer 3.01. Here you'll find how to fake installation process and relief your system from bulky IE and/or MSN and/or Online Services.

TCP/IP for DOS. TCPABI files and my additions to them.



FreeDOS - Pretty successful attempt to create a DOS clone.

Free & shareware compilers

HI-TECH Software Pacific C compiler.

Dave Dunfield's Micro-C compiler.

I made some changes to original Micro-C v3.14/3.16 startup code (mc_start.zip)

Also i made a patch to VAL linker. Now it not confused by dot in directory name.
Source code is in val_9907.zip.

Download full set of asm-tools for Micro-C: ASM, VAL, LIB, OBJ2ASM (mc_asm.zip).

Are you embedded system developer? Here is startup code and tools for ROM development (mc_rom.zip).



Trumpet Software TCP driver.

TCP driver v3.1 + TCPABI specification v2.01 (ntcpdrv.zip).

Tsoft's TCPABI wrapper for C (tabi9605.zip). TCP, UDP, DNS, corrections to TCPABI specification v2.01. Latest versions (if any) probably will be at Tsoft's FTP site.

My additions to Tsoft's wrapper (tadd9707.zip). Raw IP (not tested), TCP status codes, changed DNS (i had a problems with not fully qualified names and slow PPP link), primitive "telnet" (my workhorse).

Other stuff.

Dan Lanciani's ndis3pkt - Packet driver interface for Windows 95! (ndis3pkt.zip). New version available.
