Hard drive clearance: lesson 1; stick stuff on the net.

click your heels three times

((thumbnail gallery))
aright, so i got all these pics on my computer, and i got a shitty little hard drive, so i'll upload em to yahoo, then ill make 'em all thumbnails & stick 'em here.. sound good? done.

Along with descriptions (a la doit). click images for full sized pics.

adolf gates
fuck it key
looks like you're commiting suicide, word can help you write your note, first of all how do you plan to kill yourself?

i love the fact that can't has no apostrophe and is underlined with those damned green squiggles
disk exocist.. evil, evil macintosh
so true. 100 mokeys at 100 PCs for.. 5 minutes judging by how shit windows is.
funny take on a word menu. not that funny really.
the only keyboard windows users would seem to need
haha, sure if you got a skinning program then this looks quite good
meh.. i don't agree, but it was on my HDD
foging NT users to keep them calm. so true
go to hell win95!
microsoft crapwrap.
microsoft world domination. and they have haven't they. damn.