
Hey there, folks! Welcome to the Itemshop, supplying the Slums with lots and lots of wonderful fanart since summer 2002! Fanarts are grouped by artist, just click on the titles to look at 'em. New stuff is in red. Artist e-mails are also linked for your e-mailing pleasure! But don't be fooled, we still need more supplies here, so please send your fanarts to me, Slumlord Zell at

Slumlord Zell (Me)

Title: Meteor II

Title: Fight!

Title: Polygonal Plushie

Title: Riku cg'ed

Title: DOITCH!!!

Title: Square Meets Pokemon

Title: Sora Laughing

Title: My Black Mage Cosplay

Title: He's A Dancin' Dickens

Title: Peace on Earth

Title: Stop Fighting

Title: Sharing

Title: Mischeif

Title: Merry Christmas

Title: Kairi Winking

Title: Riku Smirking

Title: Seymour and Anima


Title: Angel Step

Title: White Mage

Title: Dance of the Dead

Title: Rinoa

Red Riku XV

Title: Aeris

Title: Cloud in Monochrome

Title: Cloud

Title: Red Riku XV

Title: Sora 2

Title: Red XIII

Title: Paine

Title: Riku

Title: Sephiroth

Title: KH Cloud and Aerith

Title: Sora

Title: Blue Decision-Riku

Title: The Dark Aeon

Title: Balflear is Taunting You

Piki Momo

Title: FF7 Meets FF8

Title: Guys

Title: Dark Riku

Title: Undercover Highschool

Title: Royal Flush

Title: Happy 2000 Hit!


Title: Yeoo Yeyvuhn

Title: Nailbat!!

Title: Sora and Jack

Title: Little Sora

Title: Sora and a Paopu

Dark Valkyrie

Title: Aeris as Cloud

Title: Bring It!

Title: Angel Embrace

Title: Sky and Stars

Title: Sunset on Destiny

Title: Sweet Dreamer

Title: Burning Rave

Title: Kairi

Title: Perfect Little Angel-Kairi

Title: Baralai In A Bag


Title: Ansem

Title: Squall-God

Title: Seifer in Chains

Other People

Artist: Miss Naoko
Title: Yuna

Artist: Teri
Afternoon Barbecue

Artist: Female Zell of Galbadia
Young Red XIII

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