Q&A Send all your questions, and comments, you have, I'll post them, and answer to them! Email me at zera555@yahoo.com Holly: Dear Kyle William, I like your website very much It makes me happy. Kyle: Thank you Holly! Your site would make me happy too, if you had one! Chad: I like your site. There is lot to do and it is updated daily, just about. Are you going to start giving out prizes? Kyle: Thanks. Prizes? Maybe if I get the job as a janitor and there's a good reason for a prize... Sorry Matt. 800th visitor does not count Chris: How many visits have there been to the Cake page? Kyle: First of all, thanks for the idea for this page, Chris. It is currently my #2 most hit page! Right now it has 63 hits, and it gets an average of about 2 or 3 hits a day. Holly: I think that I should be on your Thanks page because I come here daily, and I give you ideas for your website. So add me to your Thanks page or I will tell mom. By the way, I like your website because it's so random, but one of my friends from school (Randi), says your website is crazy. But I don't think so. La la la I'm bored. We just watched a movie for Family Home Evening, and I don't think you were watching it, because you were updating your site. So there you have it Jimmy-Jimmy. print me a million dollar bill.exe From, A very secret person that is your sister named Holly Challis the fifth Kyle: Thanks for visiting my site so frequently! I'll go put you on the thanks page right now. JUST DON'T TELL MOMMY. Just so you know, I was watching Sea Biscuit. And the horse was very fast. Aaron: Is you're war game gonna be Gee-REAT??? Kyle: O' course Aaron! NO ONE WILL BE CAPABLE OF DENYING ITS GREATNESS!!! Well, I hope it gets better after the first game. Matt: Whatever happened to your amazing curser tail? I must know. Kyle: Well, a select few people were complaining about the "I LIKE CHEESE!!!" tail, and thus I was inclined to remove it...