Life's Mystery


As I stood not knowing
All that was showing
Was this bright light
Consuming, a flame, fire

What I did know
Is that I wanted more
So I doused the flame
Extinguished, as I became water

Why, because it flows everywhere
In and around, touching
All that it reaches
the open spaces
the hidden places

As fire, I was a devourer
To become this fluid
Like a light shining down
A glimmer, as it were, liquid
Becoming and making a shadow

Now I can be the devoured
You can touch me
Run your fingers through me
As I moisten your skin
As I quench your soul

Ah, but it goes both ways
This is how I become one
With you and everyone
Some liken it to consciousness
I call it being awake

Splash me on your face
The feelings are flowing
All around and over everything
There is nothing I cannot touch
This is my desire

Yes, this is what I want
You can build a dam
But, nothing lasts forever
When I'm let loose
I can burst with great force

Repression is not permanent
The soul and its satisfaction
Is the undying thirst
Much unlike the reflection
That we all naturally do

It can be calm or soothing
Or stormy, as if in anger,
Or like the waves on the shore
Like the crashing of my soul
Experience is the erosion
Then wisdom as I awaken

What is a waterfall
this "white noise"
Of what I hear and don't hear
Just before my 'eyes' open
Where nothing is spoken

Feeling this substance
There is no resistance
It knows not time
It is everyplace
Soma, soul, life's mystery

Poem and background by Gary Hodges


"Field Of Dreams"

by Joerg Muelle























by Joerg Muelle

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