What's New?

January 6, 2004; 511 Davida page added!

September 2, 2003; 3 Juno page added!

December 5, 2002; 4660 Nereus page added!

December 4, 2002; 5535 Annefrank page added!

November 23, 2002; 29075 190 DA page added!

September 2, 2002; 33342 1998 WT24 page added!

March 15, 2002; Orbits of all comets and asteroids added.

February 13, 2002; 1 Ceres page added!

October 13, 2001; 19/P Borrelly page added!

June 18, 2001; 2000YA page added!

June 15, 2001; 1998 WW31 page added!

June 9, 2001; 1999 KW4 page added!

June 6, 2001; New images of 2063 Bacchus.

June 6, 2001; New images of 1998 KY26.

June 5, 2001; 8405 Asbolus page was added!

May 9, 2001; 3908 Nyx page added!

May 9, 2001; 4486 Mithra page added!

May 9, 2001; 1998 SF36 page added!

May 9, 2001; 2000 YF29 page added!

May 9 2001; New image of 6489 Golevka.

December 28, 2000; 4183 Cuno page added!

December 19, 2000; I think that this site finally works properly!

December 19, 2000; 90 Antiope page added!

December 19, 2000; 762 Pulcova page added!

December 19, 2000; New images of 216 Kleopatra.

October 04, 2000; Eugenia's moon was named Petit-Prince.

October 04, 2000; 2000 EH26 page added!

July 9, 2000; Text added at 1998 ML14 page.

July 8, 2000; Some links were corrected.

July 5, 2000; Asteroids were awarded!!!

July 5, 2000; Awards to Asteroids page added!

June 29, 2000; Many new images of asteroid 433 Eros.

June 26, 2000; Trojan asteroids page was added!

 June 5, 2000; New images of 6489 Golevka.

 May 24, 2000; 1036 Ganymed page was added!

 May 22, 2000; New images of 6489 Golevka.

 May 17, 2000; 6489 Golevka page was added!

 May 10, 2000; 216 Kleopatra page was reconstructed, new images were added!

 May 10, 2000; New images of 1999 JM8.

 May 4, 2000; New images of 2060 Chiron.

 May 2, 2000; New images of asteroid 1999 RQ36.

April 27, 2000; Images added on Earth Impact Craters page.

April 13, 2000; Changes have been made on most of the pages.

April 13, 2000; Earth Impact Craters page added!

April 13, 2000; What's New? page added!

December 5, 2003; NASA Scientists Use Radar to Detect Asteroid Force

October 31, 2003; The Curious Tale of Asteroid Hermes

May 9, 2003; Your Name Could Make a 'Deep Impact' on a Comet - put it on our Deep Impact spacecraft.

April 28, 2003; Titan Reveals a Surface Dominated by Icy Bedrock - findings are potentially relevant to the NASA/ESA Cassini mission/ Huygens probe.

March 10, 2003; The flight team for our Jupiter-orbiting Galileo spacecraft ceased operations on Friday, Feb. 28 after a final playback of scientific data from the robotic explorer's tape recorder.

March 10, 2003; The venerable Pioneer 10 spacecraft has sent its last signal to Earth.

March 10, 2003; Using a sensitive new imaging instrument on our Cassini spacecraft, researchers have discovered a large and surprisingly dense gas cloud, sharing an orbit with Jupiter's icy moon Europa.

March 10, 2003; A just-released map from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, has provided the most telling visible evidence to date of the impact that is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs.

February 22, 2003; NASA Solves Half-Century Old Moon Mystery.

January 8, 2003; First Neptune Trojan Discovered.

December 20, 2002; Bright patches of methane have been detected swirling around the southern pole of Titan, settling a longstanding question as to whether Saturn's largest moon possesses clouds.

December 14, 2002; Featherweight Jupiter Moon Is Likely a Jumble of Pieces.

December 14, 2002; The bombardment of comets and asteroids on early Mars may have caused cycles of rain that led to global flooding and the formation of Mars' river valleys.

December 14, 2002; Evidence of massive amounts of water ice in the soil near Mars' north polar cap, even more than previously found in the South.

December 14, 2002; Goldmine yields clues for life on Mars.

November 7, 2002; Galileo had a little trouble during its pass by Amalthea, but managed to survive, and will hopefully be returning more science data soon.

November 5, 2002; An image of asteroid Annefrank, taken by our Stardust spacecraft, is now available.

November 4, 2002; A successful test of the camera on our Cassini spacecraft has produced images of Saturn 20 months before the spacecraft arrives at that planet.

October 31, 2002; A new moon of the planet Uranus has been discovered, bringing the total of known moons to 21.

Let's go!

I'm here if you need me!

Last Updated: January 11, 2004.