Omicron Persei 8

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Crimes of the Hot

Global Warming is destroying the Earth. Usually, the government just drops an enormous ice cube into the sea, but Hallie's Comet has run out of ice and there is no other source. A conference of all the scientists in the world is ordered, where the Professor admits that, when he was working for Mom, he designed inefficient robots that have been polluting the Earth, and all robots are based on his design. It is decided that all robots must be destroyed. Richard Nixon orders a robot party on the Galapagos Islands, where he plans to kill all the robots. Bender goes, wanting to die out of sympathy for turtles, who, like him, cannot get up if knocked onto their backs. The Professor finds a way to stop global warming - by all the robots blowing out their exhaust and moving the Earth. Bender is stuck on his back, so the plan can't work. He manages to get up and the Earth is saved. A week long robot party is ordered.


Proffesor: My hip hurts! I'm in the middle of cooking a turkey! I have warranty cards to fill out! I am not just making excuses! Alright, I'll go!

Zoidberg: Strange. Why would Nixon, an awkward, uncomfortable man, suddenly throw a party? One of the most social events imaginable! It's a trap is why! ...Why don't I hear gasps?
Leela: We'd already worked that out.

Joan Rivers: Oh! Oh! Oh! It's professor Hubert Farnsworth! He's looking sharp in his standard white lab coat and dark slacks. His wrist watch is a Casio!

Seen Around the Future

'Kyoto - The anagram lover's Tokyo'
'Happy Meeting for Warming Globe'
'Tonight - Big Robot Party, Tomorrow - Big Scrap Metal Giveaway'

The video about global warming:
'Global Warming, or - None Like it Hot'

Some Robots Featured in this Episode:
Malfunctioning Eddie
The Devil Robot
Robots from the Near DeathStar (from A Clone of My Own)
Calculon's Evil Twin
The Masked Unit's Girlfriend
Jhonny Mousepad
The Don Bot
The Crushinator

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