Omicron Persei 8

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War is the H-Word

Bender Wanting to get a discount on ham gum, Bender and Fry join the army, planning to quit straight away. Unfortunately, war is declared. They set off to a distant planet, and Leela wants to come with them to stop them dying, but no women are allowed in the army - not while Zapp's in charge. She disguises herself as a man called Lee Lemon, and Zapp becomes infatuated with him/her. After a whole afternoon of training, the soldiers are dropped onto a planet, and it turns out the enemy are giant balls. Bender protects his friends from a bomb by covering it and goes to the hospital, where Zoidberg is operating. He survives and is sent with Henry Kissinger to negotiate with the ball's leaders. Richard Nixon has secretly planted a bomb in him, that will explode when he says the word he says most often - ass. Fry and Leela find out about this and go to rescue him. Threatening to say the word, Bender persuades the balls to surrender, leaving their home planet for the invading humans.


Zapp: After some fatal mistakes involving low-cut fatigues and a lot of harmless pinching, the army decided that women were not fit to serve - not while I'm in charge.
Leela: You know Zapp, someone ought to teach you a lesson.
Zapp: If it's a lesson in love, watch out. I suffer from a very sexy learning disability. What do I call it, Kif?
Kif: (sigh) Sexlexia!

Zapp: You'll be negotiating with the aliens' mysterious leaders, the brain balls. They've got a lot of brains, and they've got a lot of chutspah.

Fry: OK, I've gotta break down that gate, beat up those three guards, steal that chopper and rescue Bender.
(Leela beats up the guards)
Fry: Yay, I did it! ...Wait, that's not me.

Bender: That's it, I'm catching the next Pimpmobile out of here. But before I do, I've got one more thing to say: Bite. My. Shiny, Metal-
Fry: Bender, no! You can't say the next word!
Bender: Up yours, chump! I said it 906 times before breakfast.

Bender: The name of the game is make Bender happy. I'd rather die and take everybody with me than stand here one more minute listening to these idiots talking about bouncing!
Brain Ball: Wait! There's no need to bounce of the handle!
Bender: Alright, I'm saying it!

Seen Around the Future

Signs seen in this episode:
Free Pack of Ice-9 With 6-Pack
Cashier has only $10.00 in checking account
Join the Army - What are you, chicken? Buk buk buk!
Big war tomorrow - 9am - ???
Earth men are real men
Round hips sink ships

The gums on sale in the shop:
Spider Yum, Liquid Nitrogum, Hubble Bubble and Big Pink.

The alien writing on the tent in the army camp:

The sign outside the officer's tent:
We don't know but we've been told, our beer on tap is mighty cold.

Newspaper Headline:
Balls Thoroughly Licked

Bender's Top Ten most frequently uttered words:
10. Chump
9. Chumpette
8. Yours
7. Up
6. Pimpmobile
5. Bite
4. My
3. Shiny
2. Daffodil
1. Ass

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