Omicron Persei 8

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A Head in the Polls

Richard Nixon It's election time and everyone goes to register. Fry is unimpressed with the two main partiies' incredibly similar candidates, who are clones. Meanwhile, a mine accident increases the price of titanium. Bender is 40% titanium and decides to sell his body. At a visit to the head museum, he realises that life as just a head isn't so great and wants to get it back. Unfortunately, Richard Nixon has brought it and is running for president. They unsuccessfully try and persuade him to give it back, so they break into his hotel and try to steal the body, but he wakes up. He reveals his evil plans, which Bender records, and they switch the body for the tape. On election day, the Nixon does very well in the human polls, but wins in the robot polls as he has an enourmous robot body. He goes on a rampage in Washington DC.


Bender: I've had it up to here with this place. I'm going to the head museum to hang out with classy heads who appreciate the finer things - poetry, philosophy, ...hats.

Fry: Leela, I've got a plan!
Leela: I've got a better plan.

Fry: Why would Nixon want to stay at the Watergate?
Leela: They give you a discount if you've been here before.

(Bender looks into a window at the Watergate)
Bender: Get a room!
Guy: We're in a room!
Bender: Well then lose some weight!

Nixon: I'd no sooner give up this body than I would my dog Checkers.
Checkers: Woof!

Nixon: Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is still as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's changed is me. I've become bitter and, lets face it, crazy over the years, and once I'm swept into office I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll break into people's houses at night and wreck up the place! Mwahahahahahaha!!

Seen Around the Future

Voter Registration - First 100 customers get extra vote
1820-1887 - The golden age of muttonchops
Tonight - Presidential Debate, Tomorrow - Vice Presidential 'You mamma so fat' competition

Bender reads 'Playbot' magazine.

Parties at the voter registration:
Tastycrats, Fingerlicans, One Cell One Vote, The Green Party, Brain Slug Party, Dudes for the legalisation of Hemp, Bud Space Moose Party, National Ray-Gun Assosciation, Rainbow Wigs, People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans.

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