Omicron Persei 8

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The Honking

Bender's uncle Vladimir dies, and he is left his castle, on the condition that he spends one night there. Unsurprisingly, the house is haunted and, running away, Bender is run over by a 20th century-style car that howls like a wolf. Back in New New York, someone is run over outside a robot porno theater, where Bender was that night. A circus fortune teller tells him that he is a were-car, who turns into an evil car every night at midnight and tries to kill his best friend. Fry is hurt when Bender tries to kill Leela. To be cured, he must kill the original were-car. Following a trail of cursed robots, the crew are led to Calculon, who is in fact 900 years old and was run over by the original were-car, an experiment called project Satan. They find it and destroy it, but not before Bender tries to kill Fry, who is touched.


Bender: Well, I'm rich. Goodbye losers whom I've always hated... come on, it'll be fun!

Professor: It has motion detectors attached to motors.
Bender: So does my butt, but I don't frame it and put in on the wall. Although...

Professor: Just as I thought, the robots were buried in improperly insulated coffins, and their circuitry leaked into the castle through this old abandoned modem, allowing them to project themselves as holograms.
Hermes: Of course! It's so obvious!
Professor: Yes, that sequence of words I just said made perfect sense.

Lawyer: And to my loving nephew Bender, assuming he is not responsible for my death, I leave my castle.
Bender: Let's stay there tonight!
Lawyer: ...on the condition that he spends one night within its walls.
Bender: Oh, man, there's always a catch.

Seen Around the Future

The sign outside the robot village:
Capital of the Robo-Hungarian Empire

The binary number that bender sees written in blood in the mirror is 666

The ancient manuscript is called 'Curse of the Were-Car for Windows 97'

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