Omicron Persei 8

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Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch

Amy and Kif Kif is missing Amy desperately while in space, and Amy goes to visit him by stowing away on a Planet Express delivery and steering the ship to him. Kif asks Amy to move in, but she is reluctant. He shows her the holo-shed, a holographic simulation program he made and shows her many romantic places until it malfunctions and sets various villains on them. Zapp shoots them, making a hole in the ship and causing everyone to be sucked out. Later, it emerges that Kif is pregnant, which is caused in his species by love, when he can accept DNA by touching. Leela is actually the mother, he touched her while getting sucked out of the ship. However, in Kif's species, the one who inspired love (the Smismar) is seen as the mother. At the baby shower, Amy gets worried about being a mother and runs off. Kif must go to his home planet alone. He is helped through the jungle by the crew and must perform the birthing ritual alone. Amy decides to come and help him at the last minute. Kif's young go into the river, and many of them have only one eye.


Amy: Kif's on patrol near there! You could drop me off on the way!
Farnsworth: We could but we won't! It's a space ship dammit, not a prom limousine! Uhhh! If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry-dome.

Amy: Spirit! Kif, that's the pony I always wanted but my parents said I had too many ponies already.

(Leela kicks Zapp in the face)
Zapp: Ow. Let's try that a little lower and lots softer.

Kif: The Holo-shed's on the fritz again! The characters turned real!
Zapp: Damn! The last time that happened, I got slapped paternity suits!

Seen Around the Future

O' Zorgnax's Pub - We Believe any ID

Leela reads 'Great Machete Battles'

Some of the appointments on Amy's schedule:
Bimonthly dimple rotation, yoga rave, girlicure, shop, lunch with Molly, trash Molly with Tina, trash Tina with Molly, pony aerobics, cuteness trainer, recharge bra, extreme aromatherapy, finish thesis, buy stocks, adopt all puppies, pity party for the less popular, green shirt day, hang with Walter Koening, Tolstoy seminar, neutron croquet, search couch for spare millions, do something for myself, benefit for divorced princesses, snub all dark haired boys, rearrange teddy bears, promote Mr. Fluffy.

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